12 Jokes That Are Just So Bad They're Actually Good

Sometimes a bad joke is actually a funny one in disguise.

  • Published in Funny
12 Jokes That Are Just So Bad They're Actually Good

There are a lot of different kinds of humor out there and each one has it's high points and low points, with each style appealing to different kinds of people. For example, some people really get a kick out of dad jokes.

Ah, the dad joke: a terrible pun, usually, sometimes a really good pun. If you like dad jokes, then we've got something extra awesome for you today.

Dad Jokes have a cousin and it's "jokes so bad they're good," we've collected some of the funniest examples and by the time you're through reading you're either going to be laughing hysterically or contemplating punching the wall. There is no in between.

1. Wow, this is the nerdiest thing we've ever seen an anarchist do.

1. Wow, this is the nerdiest thing we've ever seen an anarchist do.Reddit

2. What a concept.

2. What a concept.Reddit

3. You know, that's fair. Kudos to her.

3. You know, that's fair. Kudos to her.Worickorell

4. Maybe she should get a second job so she could afford the umbrella.

4. Maybe she should get a second job so she could afford the umbrella.Candidly-Aesthetic

5. Why would you say something so controversial, yet so true?

5. Why would you say something so controversial, yet so true?veryalphamale

6. This is terrible.

6. This is terrible.Reddit

7. I see what you did there.

7. I see what you did there.technicallythetruth

8. Birthdays have now been ruined.

8. Birthdays have now been ruined.egg27015

9. Yer a shower head, Harry.

9. Yer a shower head, Harry.Reddit


10. sketchingscience

11. Cut them off before they can make it weird.

11. Cut them off before they can make it weird.Reddit

12. Allergy Warning! Allergy Warning!

12. Allergy Warning! Allergy Warning!Reddit