Family Quarrel Ensues After Man Threatened To Call Child Services On His Brother's GF Who Always Dumps Their Kid On Him
"She needs to get a baby sitter or ask my mother or brother to take time off work"

Babysitting calls for creativity, risk-taking, and playfulness. When you are watching over a child who is watching a movie or sleeping, babysitting might seem like a simple task.
But then, it's not as simple if you are hired to work with kids for a while. Most days will fall somewhere in the middle, which is neither incredibly easy nor super challenging.
The fact still remains that taking care of a child can be difficult and demanding, so you can imagine adding an extra human being to that. That is what the OP in today's story found himself in.
The OP works as a paramedic and recently moved back to his parents' home to help his mother take care of his father. The OP's elder brother Jack wanted to break up with his girlfriend, so she stopped taking the pill and fell pregnant.
They have constantly been together and breaking up since they gave birth to their son Tyler, who is now three years old. The problem now is that Tyler's mom always drops him off with the OP's dad, despite knowing fully well that he can't take care of himself, much less take care of a kid.
So the babysitting job always fell on the shoulders of the OP, and he was fed up; he had to speak his mind, which resulted in a big fight. Keep scrolling to read the full story below.
The Title...

The OP's brother has a toxic relationship with a girl

Abbey starts asking the OP's father to babysit Tyler

The OP often does self care stuff like go to the gym, shopping or meeting his partner for lunch

The OP told her if she needs someone to babysit, she needs to hire a babysitter

If it was once in a while the OP wouldn't mind, but lately it's been every other day for 6 hrs+

The OP also added this edit

And the comments roll in...
It's her responsibility and her problem

Thanks for doing a very important job

I would try to find a room to rent

You did not agree to be her on call free sitter

You have no obligation to that child at all

What if your dad had a medical emergency?

Contraception is the responsibility of both parties

They pulled this stunt after you warned them all

He should not even be saying yes

Stand firm paramedic!

The parents need to take care of their own children

I did not sign up to live in that village

Your brother's child is not your responsibility

This woman shouldn't have access to your father

Do your self care at random times

The metaphorical village is supposed to be reciprocal

She is literally abandoning her kid

Next time, just let your dad manage

It is not my fault they decided to have a child

You deserve your own personal time

The two people who are equally responsible for the child

The OP added an update later on and here it is

OP decided to make some changes

But not everyone is happy

OP is moving out

The truth is that a lot depends on you when deciding if babysitting is simple or not. But adding that to the job of taking care of an adult is just too much and Redditors understood that.
Providing on-demand, un-compensated childcare and draining your financial resources is parenting but apparently, the OP's brother and his GF lack that. Drop your thoughts about this story in the comments below.
