Adorable Baby Squirrel Rejected By Its Mom Decides To Stay With A Man Rather Than Return To The Woods

"I am more than happy to have Stella in my life"

Adorable Baby Squirrel Rejected By Its Mom Decides To Stay With A Man Rather Than Return To The Woods

There are a lot of heartwarming tales that demonstrate the affinity between people and animals. Even though their affinity with animals was unexpected, some people afterward realized they wouldn't be the same without them.

The story of Paul and Stella, the squirrel, serves as one real-world illustration. Paul unexpectedly spotted a 7-week-old squirrel in 2019 while he was driving.

The man took the squirrel, who had been mauled by two birds after falling into their nest, back to her mother. “When I was at a red light, I noticed a baby squirrel running away from 2 birds that were attacking her,” Paul says.

Unfortunately, her mother turned the baby down when Paul brought her back to the hen. In order to take care of the squirrel that night, the caring man brought it home.

“I tried to put her back near her nest but her mother never took her back. And after waiting over 9 hours, I decided to take her to my place for the night. Tried to go to her nest again the next day but her mother didn’t want her.”

He said that Stella was first wary of him because she wanted to protect herself. She even attempted to scare paul away by making noises.

Paul spotted a 7-week-old squirrel when he was driving

Paul spotted a 7-week-old squirrel when he was drivingstella.da.squirrel

The man had thought that the mother squirrel would take back her young the following day, but he was mistaken. Little Stella astonished Paul by always coming back to him after he let her go, despite the fact that he thought she would enjoy living in her natural environment.


When Paul brought the baby back to her hen, her mother refused to take her in

When Paul brought the baby back to her hen, her mother refused to take her instella.da.squirrel

“When I took Stella to my place, I took her for only a night. Then when her mother still didn’t want her on the second day, my plan was to help her get old enough to release her into the wild.”

Paul was so certain that she would simply flee once she experienced what it was like to be free. However, she always returns to him.

Or, if she notices paul straying too far from her, she rushes to him.


"Tried to go to her nest again the next day but her mother didn’t want her"


Paul claimed that, in terms of his home and routine, Stella's presence didn't significantly alter his way of life.

“Maybe just giving her some space in my living room for her cage. That I usually keep open. Only close at night when she sleeps. I’m a disabled U.S. Marine Veteran that got injured during service. I was in a car accident years after my military service and was deemed to be disabled from it also. So I am home most of the time to be with her.”


Stella was cautious of Paul at first

Stella was cautious of Paul at firststella.da.squirrel

The pet's food was handled with such care by the owner. To protect her health, he fed her nutritious foods, including fruits, veggies, and nuts.


"My plan was to help her get old enough to release her into the wild"


“I make sure I feed her very healthy foods. Like 80% fruits and vegetables. She loves avocados. All squirrels love avocados. They would do anything for them.

The other 20% is nuts. Walnuts, almonds, peanuts. Roasted and unsalted. Don’t ever give squirrels raw peanuts or any type of raw nuts. It is not good for them. It takes away their calcium. And they can get a bone disease.”


The squirrel refused to be separated from Paul

The squirrel refused to be separated from Paulstella.da.squirrel

Paul believed little Stella would love to live in her natural habitat

Paul believed little Stella would love to live in her natural habitatstella.da.squirrel

Paul made the observation that squirrels valued human care and attention. Stella was so adorable that everyone adored her, and she loved to play with people.

She made friends with two dogs in the area in addition to humans.


She surprised him by returning to him whenever he let her go

She surprised him by returning to him whenever he let her gostella.da.squirrel

“Everyone that knows Stella loves her! My kids both love her, and all of my family loves to come over and feed her. Also my friends. They all want to give Stella her favorite treats. She loves getting visitors. She even has 2 dogs that come to see her every day! They are definitely friends.”

Stella's having her meal

Stella's having her mealstella.da.squirrel

Stella is incredibly important to Paul. He says we all should support one another, even animals.

Paul and his family might have had a special bond with squirrels. After a similar situation, he and his father used to raise two of them; Suzy was one of the two and lived with his family for about ten years.

Stella is home with her hooman

Stella is home with her hoomanstella.da.squirrel

The owner was so careful with the pet’s food

The owner was so careful with the pet’s foodstella.da.squirrel

“I think the most important part of all of this, having Stella around, is that she reminds me of my father who passed away in 2017. When I was 8 years old, my father and I were throwing a baseball at each other.

Suddenly, we heard 2 little screeches. It was 2 baby squirrels being thrown out of their nest by their mom. And she also didn’t want her babies."

"She loves avocados. All squirrels love avocados"


Paul continues saying:

"So we helped to raise them. One died the first month. He was sick. But the other stayed with us for 9 years. So Stella reminds me of my dad and my pet squirrel Suzy. It is like a full circle. Maybe my kids will do the same one day and help a squirrel.”

Paul pointed out that squirrels enjoyed people’s attention and care

Paul pointed out that squirrels enjoyed people’s attention and carestella.da.squirrel

Stella is easy to get along with

Stella is easy to get along withstella.da.squirrel

Paul was reminded of his father and his beloved Suzy by Stella. He believed it was fate that they crossed paths, and he hoped that one day his children would assist this endearing animal.

He exclaimed, "I am more than happy to have Stella in my life."

Hey, little buddy...

Hey, little buddy...stella.da.squirrel

Stella would prioritize Paul especially since Suzy loved Paul's father more than anyone else. After rescuing her, the owner believed the fluffy pet had saved his life.

Paul is a disabled U.S. Marine Veteran that got injured during service

Paul is a disabled U.S. Marine Veteran that got injured during servicestella.da.squirrel

“I tell everyone that I rescued her but I can say there are times when I feel that she is the one that rescued me! The love she gives back to me and her playfulness makes me beyond happy and grateful.

When I was little and we had Suzy, it was much different. She was all about my dad. She played with us but my father was her one and only. And I can say Stella is that way with me. I truly think she was sent to me from God and my father!”

"We need to be there for one another. Even animals!"


Stella reminds Paul of his late father

Stella reminds Paul of his late fatherstella.da.squirrel

He thought it was fate that they met each other

He thought it was fate that they met each otherstella.da.squirrel

Paul also provided advice and recommendations for anyone considering keeping squirrels as pets.

“One thing I would love to get across to everyone is that squirrels need a lot of attention and time. If you don’t have that, they will not be happy at all. If you want to raise a squirrel, just feed a local one outside. They will definitely respond to you and make you feel special. And remember, try avocado. They will love you for it!”

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