Parents Go Numb After Three Months Of Enduring Their Newborn's Ceaseless Cries, Contemplates Leaving Her At Fire Station As Their Family Falls Apart

Their five-year-old won't even call the baby by her name, she calls her 'the selfish brat.'

Parents Go Numb After Three Months Of Enduring Their Newborn's Ceaseless Cries, Contemplates Leaving Her At Fire Station As Their Family Falls Apart

A few Reddit posts become required reading for new users. This heartbreaking story from 7 years ago chronicles the tale of a family slowly falling apart because the healthcare system failed their "difficult" baby.

OP shared his story three and a half months after his daughter's birth. Reddit was his last resort after enduring his daughter's ceaseless cries after they brought her home.

They went to several doctors to figure out what was with their baby, but they all concluded the baby had a bad case of colic. OP's heart broke each time he heard his baby cry because of an unknown discomfort, but he eventually got used to the noise.

OP felt even more helpless when he witnessed his bubbly 5-year-old daughter turn into a miserable child. What child wouldn't be affected if she couldn't sleep peacefully at home while her parents turned into humorless zombies?

OP's daughter can't understand that her baby sister was not crying on purpose. She told OP and her mom that she hated the baby and has started to refer to her as the "selfish brat."

OP's daughter has to see her school counselor twice a week after her teachers noticed her personality change. Their temporary solution was to drive their daughter to her aunt and uncle's house every night to sleep over.

She told OP she hated going home and wanted to live with her cousins. The poor kid said she would not go home until her parents fixed the baby or gave her away.

Their neighbors even called the police because they suspected OP and his wife were abusing the newborn. The last time the cops visited, OP's wife said they should take the baby.

Their neighbors even called the police because they suspected OP and his wife were abusing the newborn. The last time the cops visited, OP's wife said they should take the baby.selfish-brat

OP's brother and his wife occasionally offered to babysit their baby to give them time away from the house and their yelling newborn.

OP's brother and his wife occasionally offered to babysit their baby to give them time away from the house and their yelling newborn.selfish-brat

Their eldest's babysitter quit a month after the baby's birth because she couldn't withstand the crying.

Their eldest's babysitter quit a month after the baby's birth because she couldn't withstand the crying.selfish-brat

His wife asked the hospital staff if they were sure they gave them the right baby because their eldest was the opposite of her sister.

His wife asked the hospital staff if they were sure they gave them the right baby because their eldest was the opposite of her sister.selfish-brat

His wife asked OP multiple times a week if he would be willing to give their baby up for adoption.

His wife asked OP multiple times a week if he would be willing to give their baby up for adoption.selfish-brat

His wife said if they were to separate, she would take their daughter and leave OP with the baby. OP admitted that he and his wife didn't adore their baby as much as they did their eldest.

His wife said if they were to separate, she would take their daughter and leave OP with the baby. OP admitted that he and his wife didn't adore their baby as much as they did their eldest.selfish-brat

OP got a lot of helpful comments from parents who went through the same thing with their children. He and his wife were willing to try everything to give themselves and their kids relief.

OP got a lot of helpful comments from parents who went through the same thing with their children. He and his wife were willing to try everything to give themselves and their kids relief.selfish-brat

OP also took a paternity leave. They used a suggestion that presumably mimicked the baby's environment in the womb. OP happily reported it somewhat calmed their baby down.

OP also took a paternity leave. They used a suggestion that presumably mimicked the baby's environment in the womb. OP happily reported it somewhat calmed their baby down.selfish-brat

OP figured out a more efficient way to soothe the baby. He also dealt with some guilt for not figuring out what was wrong with the baby sooner.

OP figured out a more efficient way to soothe the baby. He also dealt with some guilt for not figuring out what was wrong with the baby sooner.selfish-brat

He also disengaged from some conspiracy theorists who said their baby's "difficulty" was from a vaccine injury.

He also disengaged from some conspiracy theorists who said their baby's selfish-brat

More than two weeks later, OP returned to share more updates. OP and the baby were at his friend's empty cottage while his wife and their daughter stayed at home. Their plan was to stay apart until the baby was less prone to crying fits.

More than two weeks later, OP returned to share more updates. OP and the baby were at his friend's empty cottage while his wife and their daughter stayed at home. Their plan was to stay apart until the baby was less prone to crying fits.selfish-brat

OP's relationship with his wife was still complicated. She wanted to give their baby up for adoption, but OP said he wasn't on board.

OP's relationship with his wife was still complicated. She wanted to give their baby up for adoption, but OP said he wasn't on board.selfish-brat

His wife's priority is their eldest daughter. OP said he and his wife still do not love their baby as much as they should. Their daughter was still resentful of her crying sibling.

His wife's priority is their eldest daughter. OP said he and his wife still do not love their baby as much as they should. Their daughter was still resentful of her crying sibling.selfish-brat

They still haven't found a babysitter who can tolerate the baby's cries. OP's struggle between being a doting father and giving up the baby was evident throughout his update.

They still haven't found a babysitter who can tolerate the baby's cries. OP's struggle between being a doting father and giving up the baby was evident throughout his update.selfish-brat

OP's wife was in therapy, but it hasn't affected how she saw or felt about their baby.

OP's wife was in therapy, but it hasn't affected how she saw or felt about their baby.selfish-brat

OP acknowledged that he was taking on most of the baby-related duties. However, he felt it was a fair deal because his wife took care of their eldest and was the breadwinner. The family coped as best as they could to adjust to, what was hopefully, a temporary separation.

OP acknowledged that he was taking on most of the baby-related duties. However, he felt it was a fair deal because his wife took care of their eldest and was the breadwinner. The family coped as best as they could to adjust to, what was hopefully, a temporary separation.selfish-brat

To this day, Redditors lamented how social services and healthcare providers failed OP and his family. OP had to cry in front of a doctor for them to get a prescription to ease their baby's discomfort.

It was an unhappy situation for everyone involved and there wasn't a clear resolution. OP's account has been inactive since his third post seven years ago.
