Two Pregnant Sisters Have Heated Argument Over Choosing Same Baby Cot

""On the way in she said she had sent her cot back and got a new one and said she had spent $2000 on her new cot.

Two Pregnant Sisters Have Heated Argument Over Choosing Same Baby Cot

It's not easy when family members get into arguments, especially over small things. This story is about two sisters who are pregnant at the same time.

The older sister, who's 31, and the younger sister, OP of this story, who's 28, are both excited about having their first babies. They were looking at baby stuff together, and both liked the same baby cot.

The older sister had bought a cot but wasn't sure if she wanted to keep it. When the younger sister showed her the cot she liked, it turned out to be the same one.

The older sister seemed okay with it at first, but things got complicated later. While the younger sister was helping plan the baby shower, her sister got mad at her. She told her that she had to buy a different, more expensive cot for $2,000 because the younger sister chose the one she wanted.

The argument got so bad that the younger sister left her at the shopping center feeling really upset. Now, OP is wondering if she did something wrong and if she's still supposed to do the baby shower.

The whole thing is about whether it's a big deal for them to have the same baby cot. It's a tough situation because they haven't talked since the argument.

OP and her sister are both pregnant sisters, and at the same time they are looking at things for the baby, but OP accidentally buys the same baby cot as her sister, and a misunderstanding arises.

OP and her sister are both pregnant sisters, and at the same time they are looking at things for the baby, but OP accidentally buys the same baby cot as her sister, and a misunderstanding arises.

A few weeks ago, OP picked her up for shopping, and she mentioned spending $2000 on a new crib.

A few weeks ago, OP picked her up for shopping, and she mentioned spending $2000 on a new crib.

OP disagreed with her sister, which led to an argument. OP is now questioning whether she is at fault in this situation.

OP disagreed with her sister, which led to an argument. OP is now questioning whether she is at fault in this situation.

OP it's not wrong unless she copies everything she buys.

OP it's not wrong unless she copies everything she buys.Reddit

This situation appears irrational.

This situation appears irrational.Reddit

A pregnant women can be emotional, but she should apologize for her tantrum.

A pregnant women can be emotional, but she should apologize for her tantrum.Reddit

They are meant for personal use in your own homes, not for displaying to others.

They are meant for personal use in your own homes, not for displaying to others.Reddit

This situation is unreasonable unless OP always copies her sister

This situation is unreasonable unless OP always copies her sisterReddit

It's just a cot for a baby.

It's just a cot for a baby.Reddit

OP is not wrong in this situation.

OP is not wrong in this situation.Reddit

The situation is absurd.

The situation is absurd.Reddit

OP's sister might be upset because they are both pregnant at the same time, which might seem like OP is stealing her spotlight.

OP's sister might be upset because they are both pregnant at the same time, which might seem like OP is stealing her spotlight.Reddit

This behavior feels strange and expensive.

This behavior feels strange and expensive.Reddit

OP is not the as*hole in this situation unless it's a unique, handmade cot.

OP is not the as*hole in this situation unless it's a unique, handmade cot.Reddit

OP is not the one causing trouble here. Unless that baby cot was super special and handmade, it's odd for OP's sister to demand a more expensive one just because they both liked the same one.

This strange behavior could be because both sisters are pregnant at the same time, which might make OP's sister feel like she's not getting enough attention. But it's important to remember that they should talk it out instead of making costly demands.

In a nutshell, the situation is a bit crazy, and OP hasn't done anything wrong. The sisters should have a good chat to sort things out and keep their family bond strong during this exciting, albeit tricky, time.
