Artist Re-Imagines Avengers Cast As If The Movies Released In The 90's
If we could step back in time these 90's megastars would be perfect

The 90's were an incredible era in entertainment. Or at least, depending on your perspective, definitely memorable. However, the superhero movies of that decade were kind of lacking in the Marvel universe... and while some of the starts of our current Marvel Cinematic Universe were certainly "around" in the 90's, if these movies came out in the 90's instead, they almost surely would have not been involved.
So that leads to the rational question, "who would have starred in these huge roles back then?" In comes fandom art, filling the gaps that our imagination has created relentlessly over the years. Fandom art has brought forth incredible crossovers from Game of Thrones characters designed to the tune of Disney to viewing Disney princesses if they went to Hogwarts... okay there is a lot of room for Disney cross-over art, but today a digital artist from Turkey known as "mat" from houseofmat has raised the bar by re-creating (or re-imagining) our beloved Avengers characters... but with the biggest movie and TV stars of the 90's. It's glorious, and we love every second of this.
90's Cast
Denzel Washington as Black Panther, David Duchovny as The Hulk, Alicia Silverstone as Scarlet Witch, and Ben Stiller as Ant-man

Today's Cast
Fandom art is no small deal, either. It's wildly popular, and Mat's concept has been incredibly popular, too! In an interview with Bored Panda, Mat said:
I started “houseofmat” on Instagram in 2016 and my specific artworks such as “90’s Avengers” helped me to grow. This series gained a lot of attention and began to trend. Stan Lee’s official website even published my artwork. That was an unforgettable moment for me. @houseofmat now has 66.5k followers.

90's Cast
Eddie Murphy as Falcon, Tom Cruise as Iron Man, and Brad Pitt as Thor

Today's Cast
At 31-years old, Mat has been drawing most of his life but being a professional artist was not always in the cards, or so he thought. He told BP:
I studied Tourism and Hotel Management. I wanted to get back to the art side so I decided to study Graphic Design for a masters degree.
It was upon graduation with his well-earned, fancy degree that Mat found his place in art:
I usually work on superheroes, comics, games, cartoon characters as a concept illustrator. My purpose is creating undone artworks to leave a footprint to the art world.

90's Cast
Dolph Lundgren as Vision, Leonardo DiCaprio as Captain America, Johnny Depp as Hawkeye, Cuba Gooding, Jr. as War Machine, and Sandra Bullock as Wasp

Today's Cast
As far as this specific series is concerned, Mat says he was inspired by his childhood. He was born in 1987, making the 90's a particularly memorable era for him. And his favorite superhero? Why, Ironman, of course: "Because he is a role model that [shows] a “human” can deal with other superheroes and villains. He’s got no superpowers. He has my complete respect."

90's Cast
Michael J. Fox as Spider-Man, Sharon Stone as Pepper Potts, Brendan Fraser as Star Lord, and Keanu Reeves as Dr. Strange

Today's Cast
Mat's artistic toolbox includes: photoshop, illustrator, and tablet applications for drawing and editing. He also explained that each piece takes on average four hours to complete, but that's not a precedent. In fact, it can vary greatly: "It depends on the details. Some artworks need more attention and detail on it. The longest artwork took seven hours."

Today's MCU Cast
As Avengers sees it's doors close, Mat's popularity continues to rise. It certainly leaves us excited for the future.

That said, with the final instalments of the Avenger's movies, will these be the end of Mat's fun work? Nope! Mat told Bored Panda that he still has a lot of ideas:
I hope they like my Avengers series. I have a lot of plans this year. I’m waiting a little bit for new artworks because I do not want to spoil anything about Endgame. I also have lots of ideas about the 90s. Thanks to all of my followers for their support.

And what say the fans?
Pretty much everyone agrees the art is stellar, but the casting has certainly created a flush of variety. Some disagreements, sure, but a lot of enthusiasm and jokes, too!

Personally, I couldn't co-sign enough Brad Pitt as Thor and Keanu Reeves as Doctor Strange, but these bonus suggestions for Thanos and Deadpool are pretty spot-on, too!

Naturally, everyone loves Keanu Reeves so anything he's added to is going to be popular... but it's no surprise that not everyone today is on board the Tom Cruise train.

So, what do you think? Would you be down to travel through time and see these actors and actresses in The Avengers? Sound off in the comments!
