Women Come Forward To Talk About What Traits Are Only Attractive On Pretty People

This Reddit thread talks about what traits are only attractive when they’re on pretty people.

Women Come Forward To Talk About What Traits Are Only Attractive On Pretty People

Pretty privilege is a real thing and this can come in many variations. Being pretty can get you out of a speeding ticket, get your free drinks and get you top roles or positions in the workplace.

This isn’t something that people can avoid or change because it’s simply just how it’s going to be but this doesn’t mean it doesn’t bother other women. This Reddit thread shined some light on how women really feel.

On the subReddit thread “AskWomen” one user asked “what trait do people call attractive but it’s really only attractive when you’re pretty?” The comments came flooding in from women all over who have something to say about this

Women gave their experiences and situations as well as some awesome answers to this question. Being considered “pretty” basically means you can wear or do anything and people will love it.

Those that aren’t considered “pretty” could do or wear the same exact things as the pretty girls but people may find it unattractive or annoying. This is the problem a lot of women are facing.

This Reddit thread will take you on a ride through women's feelings, experiences and opinions on this topic. Let’s hope right into it.

Nerd culture is definitely something not typically found attractive.

Nerd culture is definitely something not typically found attractive. blkribs

It’s so sad how differently you get treated.

It’s so sad how differently you get treated. snailminister

Glasses are definitely part of this list.

Glasses are definitely part of this list. Mother-Progress-9138

Being quiet can sometimes be unattractive no matter who it is.

Being quiet can sometimes be unattractive no matter who it is. Oreosandcookiesx

Gamer girls

Gamer girls DreamyTurnip

This is the one.

This is the one. deralava

Big boobs and a big butt usually come natural to bigger girls.

Big boobs and a big butt usually come natural to bigger girls. alicabblover

Men don’t like to be outsmarted at all.

Men don’t like to be outsmarted at all. Little_Lychee987

This definitely is seen as creepy.

This definitely is seen as creepy. popularfiction

Smart women intimidate men.

Smart women intimidate men. 1willowtree

This is something that I’d agree with.

This is something that I’d agree with. cobraCL

Okay honestly who can pull this off.

Okay honestly who can pull this off. obvious_awkward

Rudeness is almost admired on pretty girls.

Rudeness is almost admired on pretty girls. Person9183736

Humor is even attractive on different people

Humor is even attractive on different people 1234yeahfine

You can eat as much as you want as long as you don’t gain weight.

You can eat as much as you want as long as you don’t gain weight. VeronicaMarsupial

This is very true unfortunately.

This is very true unfortunately. Neravariine

Raspy voices are supposed to be s*xy.

Raspy voices are supposed to be s*xy. weasel999

Awkward weirdos

Awkward weirdos Team_CoffeeWithCream

This was the most upvoted comment.

This was the most upvoted comment. ayuxx

Messy hair don’t care. Or do I?

Messy hair don’t care. Or do I? tarot_tarot_bo_barot

Pretty privilege is 100% real.

Pretty privilege is 100% real. TemperatureLoose8841

A more natural look is only attractive if you’re natural beautiful

A more natural look is only attractive if you’re natural beautiful The-Dutchess-D

These comments have taken us to a whole new part of pretty privilege that We didn’t know existed. Women definitely have it hard and men need to understand what true beauty is in women.

Reminder that every single person is beautiful and should be praised for however they are regardless of if they are considered “pretty” or not by the general public.
