People Share 32 Fascinating Privileges Exclusive To Attractive People
It helps to be pretty, doesn't it?
- Published in Interesting
In a fascinating experiment conducted in 2005, researchers delved into the intriguing realm of the hiring process. The results were both surprising and disheartening, as they revealed a significant bias towards attractive candidates.
Employers, it seems, were more than willing to bestow a striking 10.5% higher salary upon those blessed with physical attractiveness, while their less attractive counterparts suffered from a disadvantage.
Expanding upon this notion, a paper analyzing the 2018 congressional midterms shed light on an equally distressing truth: good looks often equate to electoral success. The findings unveiled a troubling trend wherein candidates deemed visually appealing were more likely to triumph in the political arena.
This phenomenon has led psychologists to label it the "beauty premium," likening it to the income disparities observed between genders or ethnicities. Curious about the various facets of this double standard, a Redditor known as u/Routine_Astronaut182 recently took to the popular subreddit r/AskReddit, posing a thought-provoking question:
"What privileges do attractive individuals possess that their less fortunate counterparts do not?" To their astonishment, the post garnered immense attention, and numerous compelling responses flooded in, quickly capturing the imagination of countless internet users.
Among the most prevalent replies, one recurring theme emerged: attractive individuals tend to enjoy certain advantages that elude those deemed less physically appealing. These privileges ranged from being treated more favorably in social situations to facing fewer hurdles when it came to job opportunities.
It became apparent that attractiveness holds sway over various aspects of life, intertwining with societal norms and influencing the way individuals are perceived and treated.
1. Singer / artist
BlipBlorpz2. Acting as the leading man in a heartfelt film.
MyaGiselle3. Double standards
Be into weird s**t but it's still cool, like anime, if you're ugly and into anime you're a "weirdo freak". But if you're hot and into Anime "OMG you like anime? That's so cool, you're so artsy and edgy" lmfao
PrincePupert4. The contrasting experiences of attractiveness
When I was smaller, I:
- was called a bombshell
- male friends had crushes on me
- I got free drinks at the bar
- I was let off a stunting ticket without a warning
- got cat called
- worked as a waitress
- men came to me
When I gained 50 lbs, I:
- was told never to wear a certain pair of leggings again
- get screamed at/called fat by homeless people
- buy my own drinks
- have trouble finding a waitressing job
- was given a stunting ticket
- male friends became platonic and say “you’re pretty, you’ll find someone”
- get rejected constantly
Edit; forgot to add being skinnier you have a better “fashion sense”. My chonky self has an awesome sense of fashion but if I wore half the s**t I wanted to I would get laughed at!
LadyGlitch5. Sasquatch for some, Captain America for others
I have a good-looking business partner. We are constantly delegating tasks based on whether we need Sasquatch or Captain America.
6. The unfair advantage in dressing
Dressing bad. Attractive people can wear literal rags and look go. Ugly people have to dress to the 9 just to have a chance.
winifredsummers7. Fast-track promotion over hard work
Getting noticed quickly and hence promotions quickly- ive realized its easier to climb the corporate ladder being attractive and lazy than ugly and hardworking
naneundalamjwiimnida8. Attractive manipulator
I dated an extremely attractive charismatic man once. It was genuinely scary what he could pull off, he could definitely be a cult leader. Now when I go on dates if I see their charisma manipulating situations it’s an instant no. Sh*ts scary
AlternativeQueen9. Felony releaseleads to instant modeling contract
Get out of prison for a felony, immediately get a modeling contract and start dating an heiress
StabbyPants10. "Friend got rejected because IM UGLY."
I’ve had one of my friends get rejected because the girl found the best friend of that guy (me) to be too ugly. My friend got rejected because IM UGLY.
DesolatePeach11. "Anyone can ask, but attractive people are so much more likely to get help from strangers. Just a sad little twisted fact of life."
MonkeyPunx12. Unfair bias
Mess up at their job/ life in general. They will always not get blamed and get help from everybody. My friend got yelled at at her job for sending a shipment of mail to the wrong zip code. When she explained that it wasn't her, but her pretty coworker Vanessa that did it, the supervisor's mood immediately changed, and said "oh, she must have just not known". Infuriating.
awesome1244213. "Always having dating options. Not actively seeking out potential partners. Potential partners seek them out."
_Quiet-Storm_14. the fastest service from bartenders. Cut lines. Have prospective employers "see potential" and attain jobs without being totally qualified."
Fickle-Hovercraft20715. "People will go completely out of their way to do things for them. Moving? Something broke? Card declined? Someone will help them."
RagingHolly16. "Yeah, its called the halo effect. We tend to assume attractive people are nicer and smarter."
claudinecaldero17. Gaining price discounts
Haggling for price reductions on anything. I seriously had a friend who got discounted gas at the gas station from the owners son. She was hot with annoying baby voice and played dumb even with her phd and it almost always worked.
Independent_Ad_566418. "Go out broke and come home drunk"
Apollo_T_Yorp19. The impact of weight fluctuations on social interactions
My weight fluctuates due to depressive episodes and I 100% see a stark difference in social interactions. Lots of eye contact and casual touching when I am skinnier.
When babies stare at me in public places like grocery stores I always smile and wave and when I am skinny parents tend to say things like "say hi to the nice man" or some such pleasantries and when I am larger people tend to need something in the other aisle immediately.
vanillaISISISISbaby20. "Flirt without cringe backlash."
Lovingnature41221. "Get good tips as a waitress/waiter without REALLY trying.'
landob22. broke, unemployed, or a criminal and people will still think you're a catch."
Hibiscusgardenia23. "Not get called a creep or weirdo for flirting or trying to chat to someone."
-xhoneycupsx-24. "Get away with stuff. Cut line, talk their way out of a speeding ticket. Get hired."
PikesPique25. Attractive people receive more patience for stuttering
I’ve noticed that people are more patient with my stutter. My sisters boyfriend is… not conventionally attractive and he stutters too. Some people just outright ignore him. Pisses me off that double standard exists.
26. "Treating people poorly or just being generally unpleasant to be around but yet not be ostracized from social groups and having people put up with their s**t"
liger5127. "They can be a******s and get away with It. Oh and they are allowed to be stupid. Their pretty faces Will make up for that"
Nygurath28. The advantage of attractiveness
Get conversation without much effort.
If an unattractive person is at a venue and doesn't know anybody it can be a lonely experience. If you are attractive, people will try to make conversation with you all the time. I know plenty of attractive people who are not at all interesting but have tons of friends because everyone wants a good looking person around them.
_forum_mod29. "Get the benefit of the doubt. Been using it my whole life"
creepysink7730. "Bold fashion choices."
SuvenPan31. Getting away with shoplifting
_________FU_________32. How attractive company can boost your image
Vivid-Syrup3028As this thought-provoking discussion unfolded, it served as a stark reminder of the inherent biases that permeate our society. The attractiveness bias, in particular, perpetuates a subtle yet potent form of discrimination that can shape the course of people's lives.
In our ongoing quest for a more just and equitable world, it is crucial to recognize and challenge such prejudices, striving to create a society where individuals are valued for their character and talents, rather than their outward appearance.