30 Of The Best Anti-Work Posts That Will Make You Think

Things have to change.

30 Of The Best Anti-Work Posts That Will Make You Think

The employee-employer relationship has always been turbulent. The main problem is that the latter still view workers as an expense and try to pay them as little as possible.

You would think that the overall progress we are witnessing would change that. But, unfortunately, the situation is not improving.

As a matter of fact, some would say that it is getting worse. Just ask people on Antiwork.

They are all about... well, the name says it all. Over the previous year, the subreddit r/Antiwork has gained a lot of traction, especially since the start of the Great Resignation.

Even if not all of the attention was positive, the buzz helped propagate the movement's message and even spread it to new platforms. There's also an Anti-Work Facebook group. Although it is not affiliated with the subreddit, it shares many of the same beliefs.

According to the group's 'About' section, it embraces "any things relating to anti-work and late-stage capitalism," and its posts cover a wide range of issues. We have selected 30 of the best posts.

Continue scrolling to see the most popular ones, which range from specific topics like burnout and student debt to larger talks on salaries and personal finance.

1. Never did...

1. Never did...Jonathan Deutsch

2. Don't keep me hanging...

2. Don't keep me hanging...Edjitprop

3. Yeah, where are those robots?

3. Yeah, where are those robots?sleepisocialist

4. You poor people should look after each other.

4. You poor people should look after each other.imanicezanne

5. Heartwarming...

5. Heartwarming...qntm

6. Where is the courage in that?

6. Where is the courage in that?Michael Bankston

7. Not a failure, just normal

7. Not a failure, just normalJonathan Deutsch

8. Not a lack of resources...

8. Not a lack of resources...Austin Reed

9. Money Heaven doesn't exist...

9. Money Heaven doesn't exist...Faemyre Snethia

10. Flipping burgers evolution

10. Flipping burgers evolutionMike Garrone

The moderators emphasize that their Facebook group is not affiliated with r/AntiWork, but they share the same values and concerns. Members people from all backgrounds- writers, frontline nurses, school teachers, line cooks, truck drivers, forklift operators.

People need more of these groups that would raise awareness. That’s the only way we can change things.


11. Invalid and illegal. What happened to the freedom of speech stuff from the constitution?

11. Invalid and illegal. What happened to the freedom of speech stuff from the constitution?Jonathan Deutsch

12. Yeah, that's about it

12. Yeah, that's about itLiam Keegan

13. You better not die if you want to keep your job...

13. You better not die if you want to keep your job...Ayoo_Kess

14. Workers are everywhere. People who allow themselves to be exploited are not.

14. Workers are everywhere. People who allow themselves to be exploited are not.Mike Garrone

15. Yeah, you millennials, why aren't you spending money you don't have?

15. Yeah, you millennials, why aren't you spending money you don't have?Daniel Weis

16. Listen here, you...

16. Listen here, you...Austin Reed

17. It would be an awesome show.

17. It would be an awesome show.Bryan Andrews

18. Ah, a true exit interview gem...

18. Ah, a true exit interview gem...Adam Osmak

19. So, when's the housewarming party?

19. So, when's the housewarming party?Sarah Regnittek

20. You should be happy you got the job...

20. You should be happy you got the job...Roxanne Garza-Sabah

21. Four-day week

21. Four-day weekrcbregman

22. Well, we did all we could...

22. Well, we did all we could...Darrek Coates

23. Just what you are paid to do. Nothing more, nothing less.

23. Just what you are paid to do. Nothing more, nothing less.broadwaytail

24. Sounds familiar?

24. Sounds familiar?James Aaronson

25. Those poor managers

25. Those poor managersRai Yiannakos

26. Every single one...

26. Every single one...Martin Hosang

27. There are no unskilled jobs

27. There are no unskilled jobsErin Castro

28. Good one...

28. Good one...Michael Bankston

29. Got the time?

29. Got the time?mikewtfwells

30. That's insane!

30. That's insane!marthakelly3

The group administrators and moderators say that , "fundamentally, the idea of Anti-Work is that people should choose to be productive on their own terms, not as a result of coercion or having their stability threatened.

The underlying message of the Anti-Work philosophy is that the connection between survival and employment status or productivity levels must be eliminated."
