Unspoken Rules That All People Should Know About, Because It's Annoying When They Don't
There's a fine line between unspoken rules and common sense.
- Published in Funny
In a world that's full of chaos and rowdiness, it's truly better to be decent at all times. There are a lot of things that we definitely need to be mindful of in order to be appropriate and functioning members of society, and while these things should already be instilled in the minds of people, especially the elderly ones, a lot of us still seem to miss the point of being polite nowadays.
While some of us seem to still need a huge sign to warn us or to refrain us from doing something, it is still quite annoying to see other people not following certain social norms unless someone tells them otherwise. Society and the world itself have a lot of unspoken rules that, well, need not be spoken, but so many people seem to not get it at all.
When a user under the handle u/HAXposed asked the question: "What's an unspoken rule that annoys you when people don't know about it?" on the subreddit r/AskReddit, thousands of people commented and replied their personal takes on these specific issues that some people seem to have difficulty grasping. Some people just don't get that while they are indeed special in their own little ways, the world does not only revolve around them.
Just check out the highlights of the post below!
This is already a form of harrassment! Kidding—but it could be.
RedditAlways be considerate of where you are hanging around, you might not realize you are already in the way. But if you are indeed aware and still aren't doing anything about it, then take this as a sign to quit being an asshole.
RedditTell your friends not to occupy the whole space, too. There are still other people around.
RedditPlease remember that not everyone on call is "speaker-proof"
RedditDon't ever fool people like that, while it may be hilarious for you, it would be downright embarrassing for them.
RedditIn a closed space like an elevator, be wary of where you stand! Or if you are already invading other people's personal space.
RedditNever harrass people into drinking with you, because you never know if they are already struggling to quit.
RedditJust don't.
RedditIf people can just learn that taking things slow would be a lot faster than being in a hurry all the time, the world would be in a much better place.
RedditLearn to find cues of people not wanting to talk anymore.
RedditDisabled people are not kids, let's start with that. Seeing someone on wheels does not also give you the license to literally move them around.
RedditPrivacy, people.
RedditGet a damn set of earphones.
RedditAlways ask first!
RedditWhen you are already late and there's someone who's having the time of their life hanging around the stairs.
RedditDon't make yourself pushable.
RedditThis applies to all, except for cats.
RedditIt's not that hard.
RedditLeave no traces, especially if you're in public facilities.
RedditAlways offer something to those who help.
RedditPlease, personal space.
RedditUgh, people.
RedditPeer pressure is never good.
RedditThere are truly a lot of things that irk us off, especially when we are already having a bad day and we see people annoyingly not leaving in our way. We must be truly mindful of how we act around harmlessly in public, especially if there are a lot of people around us who would like the convenience they came for there.
Which one of these can you relate to? Comment down your thoughts, or share this for your family and friends to see!