23 Hilarious Photos Of Animals Behaving Badly

Well, that’s an understatement.

  • Published in Animals
23 Hilarious Photos Of Animals Behaving Badly

Animals aren’t always polite, we have to confess. We’re not just talking about cats here.

No matter how well you’ve educated your dog, there may be days when they’re bored, which will drive them to make a mess, either unintentionally or purposely. And, since we constantly talk about how wonderful pets can be, we’ve decided to flip the tables today and focus on the worst-case situations for pet owners.

We’ve all been there - our beloved cat purposefully glaring at us while slowly tipping a glass over. Now, we know that animals don’t understand the idea of spite and being evil, but we can swear they did it on purpose - while enjoying it to the fullest extent…

These things may annoy or even irritate us at the time, but we all recognize that they are an inevitable aspect of owning a pet. And, because animals provide us with so much, a little turbulence keeps us on our toes.

People love sharing their animals being jerks. It helps them connect to other pet owners who are suffering the same maltreatment and they can comfort each other.

They say they are actually doing it for fun, but we know the truth. It’s like a giant support group.

We have collected 23 of the funniest examples of pets behaving badly, and you are going to enjoy them.

1. "Me and the Bois"

1. Reddit

2. "Walked into the kitchen and found this"

2. Reddit

3. This cat isn't too fond of this dog.

3. This cat isn't too fond of this dog.Reddithttps://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/fizh5j/they_were_both_sleeping_3_minutes_ago/

4. "Cat Tip: To discourage your favorite feline from jumping on counters, make it an unpleasant or unattractive place for him or her to be. Try covering the area with aluminum foil to make it texturally undesirable. Crackhead Fred for the win."

4. Reddit

5. "Ruby loves her new bed..."

5. Reddit

6. "If it fits it sits! Even if it doesn’t fit."

6. Reddit

7. "She broke pose trying to catch a falling leaf"

7. Reddit

8. What's your problem, bro?

8. What's your problem, bro?Pikabu

9. "Poor pup tried to ask nicely. Too bad the cat's an a-hole."

9. Reddit

10. "Sure am glad I bought that “indestructible” dog bed!"

10. Reddit

11. "I brought my office plant home so it wouldn’t die from neglect in an empty office. Now it’s a delicious snack."

11. Reddit

12. "He broke the zipper on the wardrobe bag to get hair on my boyfriend’s tux the day before a wedding"

12. Reddit

13. My dog plays ghost every time I change the sheets.

13. My dog plays ghost every time I change the sheets.Reddit

14. "Bought roses for my mom, this a-hole started EATING them the minute I put them in a vase"

14. Reddit

15. "Cats knocked over every single one of my makeup brushes this morning... into their litter box :))"

15. Reddit

16. "He knows he’s not allowed on the kitchen counter, but he’s technically on the washing machine. Judging by his expression he knows he’s found the loophole"

16. Reddit

17. "This isn't the best quality picture, but it's definitely the one that best embodies her personality. I felt like it belonged here."

17. Reddit

18. "That would explain why the birds don’t use this feeder."

18. Reddit

19. "My cat bites my dad whenever he's paying attention to my mom and not him"

19. Reddit

20. "Working from home is gonna be easy, they said"

20. Reddit

21. "My cat brought me a present! She left it on my lap (alive) while I was holding the baby. Now she's got the zooms and is running through the house. What an a-hole."

21. Reddit

22. "My dog has his choice of the couch, two dog beds, and at least 6 blankets to sleep on, yet he dragged my jacket down from a chair and curled up on it"

22. Reddit

23. "Nice clean white land rover."

23. Reddit

One of the smartest things a man has ever done was not inventing the wheel, but taking in pets. One thing is for sure - our lives would be so boring without our pets.

But, judging by these photos, these pet owners wouldn’t mind their lives being boring, just for a short while.
