Cats On Catnip Fans Share Photos And Stories Of Their Angry Cats

Every kitty handles emotions their own way.

  • Published in Animals
Cats On Catnip Fans Share Photos And Stories Of Their Angry Cats

Recently, Cats on Catnip shared a hilarious photo of a very angry puss. The cat was sitting in her "outrage box," as a coping mechanism for her feline fury. Cats are such diverse and unique creatures, cram-packed with purr-sonality, which is a hug factor in why us humans are so very fond of them!

Naturally, this turned out to be the purr-fect opportunity for fans to share their own tails, I mean tales, of their furry, feline friends and how they handle their own cases of outrage, anger, and disdain. It's undeniable that one of the things to truly unite us all is sharing stories and photos of our cats. Isn't that wonderful?

The photo that started it all.

Such an angry looking pussycat.

The photo that started it all. Cats on Catnip

1. The responses poured in.

"Feline Frustration Pad." Don't we all relate in some way?

1. The responses poured in.

2. To the murder pad!

Off goes Vlad.

2. To the murder pad!

3. Hooman, go away.

"I'm busy in my outrage box."

3. Hooman, go away.

4. Don't be fooled!

This precious puss is preoccupied being angry.

4. Don't be fooled!

5. The Box of Woe

Brilliant, don't you think?

5. The Box of Woe

6. Inspirational!

Do all cats need an outrage box? Purr-haps.

6. Inspirational!

7. Different strokes for different folks!

Some cats are more creative!

7. Different strokes for different folks!

8. Run and Attack!

Cats are always up for surprising us!

8. Run and Attack!

9. Isn't this the truth?

Some cats don't need a special spot, the whole house is their outrage box.

9. Isn't this the truth?

10. Destruction Town

Yet you cannot stay mad at face like this.

10. Destruction Town

11. Caught in the act.

Pure and utter box destruction.

11. Caught in the act.

12. Outrage bag

A purr-fect hiding spot and place to sulk in doom and gloom.

12. Outrage bag

13. A revelation!

Realizing so many our cats experience outrage and do so in their preferred spot is uniting us all.

13. A revelation!

14. Angry Glares

Don't worry, your cat can glare at you from anywhere.

14. Angry Glares

15. Last but certainly not least...

On fan shared a glorious video of their kitty in action. Watch the raw power of doom and destruction. Cats rule!
