Eric Andre And Chet Hanks Continue To Give The Internet Reasons To Buzz With Their Ongoing Feud

Who doesn't love a celebrity catfight?

Eric Andre And Chet Hanks Continue To Give The Internet Reasons To Buzz With Their Ongoing Feud

This may come as a shock to you, but celebrities are human beings and are capable of having emotions too.

Although celebrities spend thousands building the perfect reputation and painting themselves in the right light, they sometimes show glimpses of their genuine emotions. 

We've seen celebrities cry, laugh, and go through pain genuinely. And we've also seen them be brutally honest about how they feel about another person.

This brutal honesty has created many iconic feuds that are still very active. 

These beefs have sometimes been taken up by fans of celebrities who are at war with each other and turned into a full-blown war. Some super fans just can't tolerate any slander against their favorite stars and would defend them without flinching.

Yet, of all the celebrity feuds, we think we may have found the weirdest one yet; the feud between Eric Andre And Chet Hanks.

We've carefully detailed the cause of their beef and included the latest developments. These two went at each other without holding anything back, and it's probably the most hilariously odd thing you'd read on the internet today.

Before you scroll down to read about it, grab a bowl of popcorn and a drink. This is going to be an exhilarating ride!

A little backstory

A little backstory

Chet Hanks is one of the sons of the prolific actor Tom Hanks. It seems he’s got his father’s acting genes. He is also a musician too.

White Boy Summer (WBS)

The genesis of the feud

The genesis of the feudShutterstock

Chet's appearance on Eric Andre's Show (The Eric Andre Show) marked the beginning of what would turn out to be a dirty feud.

The Eric Andre Show is not for the faint-hearted

Let's just say not everyone can take Eric’s jokes. More so, he firmly believes that Chet, in his words, “is…emotionally disturbed.”

Surprise, Surprise, Chet saw the interview

Surprise, Surprise, Chet saw the interviewChet Hanks

Holding nothing back

Holding nothing backChet Hanks

Chet explained his side of the story on his Instagram story. In his words;

I saw the show was on some really weird, outlandish troll sh*t, so I’m like, ‘Alright, I’ll match that energy’…thinking that he would get it.

At one point, he has a dude come and jump a dirt bike on the stage. Well, he must not have known that I ride dirt bikes because I picked that sh*t up and start riding it around the set. Everybody’s like, ‘No, no, no, don’t do that. You could get hurt!’ I’m like, ‘Chill I just popped a little wheelie.’ I put the bike down.

"Bury Yourself A Thousand Times"

It certainly didn't end there. Chet had a lot more to say

He added;

Now he wants to come out and talk sh*t about me? You must’ve just not liked the fact that I outshined you on your own f*cking show.

When I came out and sat down, he seemed genuinely nervous, just being around me. There’s a lot of f*cking weirdos in Hollywood, but I didn’t think you were one of them, I thought you were funny and cool, but turns out you’re just a p*ssy.

Eric wasn't going to let this slide. Of course, he responded

Eric wasn't going to let this slide. Of course, he respondedEric Andre

According to Eric;

Everything Chet Hanks just said about me is a f*cking, bold-faced lie. He’s a f*cking liar. I dare him to take a f*cking DNA test and prove that Tom Hanks is his f*cking father.

Eric couldn't help adding some icing on the cake

Eric couldn't help adding some icing on the cakeEric Andre

Chet put out a story of his own

Chet put out a story of his ownChet Hanks

Celebrity feuds are often out-of-the-box because people hardly ever see them coming. Yet, when they start, they are all everyone talks about. We guess that's just the star power in action.

The fascinating thing about most of these feuds is how public they are. One would imagine it would be easier to squash issues in private, but celebrities almost never do that.

What do you think about the beef between these two? Let us in on those thoughts by sharing them in the comments section below!
