Online Group Shares 50 Utterly Dark And "Cursed Comments" That'll Leave You Stunned Or Make You Laugh

"People don't expect a police department to be funny." Well, they’ve proved us all wrong.
Humor is a great refuge in challenging times and a good explanation of why the COVID19 epidemic has inspired so many memes and jokes all over the internet.
Other than protecting the citizens, the Lawrence Police Department also helps them get through the epidemic by making them smile, and they are taking smiling very seriously.
Their Twitter account has a stunning 170.7K followers who regularly get practical, humorous advice on living through the virus daily. “Return your TP to the store,” “2 pounds of ground beef is enough,” and “don’t crime” are among the department’s funny messages.
The police are saying, “we’ll rock this together, but apart,” and they certainly mean it.
The Lawrence Police Dept. is highly praised for its sense of humor. After their Twitter post about a Tostito's bag which served as a breathalyzer became viral with 74K retweets and 132K likes, the department started doing it regularly.
The man who manages the account, public affairs officer Drew Fennelly, has created a bridge between police and millennials. "What we have found is that using humor generates a lot more interest because people don't expect a police department to be funny," Fennelly said.
Fenelly stated that “we have built a strong relationship with our followers and, more importantly, with our community, using humor to relate with people and show that law enforcement officers are human beings.”
As a law enforcement agency, they are very aware of the menace we are all facing. And while social media is literally bombarding people with gloomy information, “we are trying to provide some levity, a small respite for people in our community and beyond, to help people cope with the outbreak and show that we are all in this together,” he explained.
Sergeant Fenelly asks everyone to stay aware. “Even though we are separated physically by the spread of closings and shuttered businesses, we are bonded together as humans in the protection of the most vulnerable members of society.” Plus, “don’t crime,” he added.
Several media channels are reporting about a shortage of COVID19 tests in the US—only 14K tests have been done nationally compared to 20K tests run each day in China.
Health care professionals are concerned that the country isn’t ready for a pandemic. Dr. Eric Toner from John Hopkins Center for Health Security said that “We’re not prepared, nor is any place prepared for a Wuhan-like outbreak.” If people were able to get into the needed intensive care, the doctor is confident that “we’d see the same bad outcomes they saw in Wuhan—with a very high case fatality rate.”