3 Skilled Artists Creates Amazing DC Universe Fan Art

Sometimes one artist simply isn't enough.

3 Skilled Artists Creates Amazing DC Universe Fan Art

In June of 1938 DC Comics released their first ever comic book, Superman, in Action #1. Today the franchise is incredible, to say the least.

From Batman and The Joker to Superman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman, DC has managed to continue drawing in artists with comics, animated series, and major motion pictures. The characters and their stories are worth obsessing over.

With vast and incredible characters an stories, it's no surprise that fans with artistic skills will re-create their favorite characters any chance they get! We are always keeping our eyes peeled for skilled artists to gush and obsess over, and we found three very different and very skilled artists to share with you today.

We're sure you'll love their DC Fan Art.

First up is Chinese artist "Melloria358"

This mini series of DC characters. specifically, different Robins over the years: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Damian Wayne


Dick Grayson

Dick Graysonmelloria358

Tim Drake

Tim Drakemelloria358

Damian Wayne

Damian Waynemelloria358

Jason Todd

Jason Toddmelloria358

Next up is Adam Hughes

US based artist Adam Hughes' favorite cartoon character is Bugs Bunny. Adam's mini series features some amazing DC Women: Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Supergirl, Power Girl, and Batgirl.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Womanadamhughes





Power Girl

Power Girladamhughes



Third up is Henrik Sahlstrom

This Swedish concept artist did a mini series called Batman Noir. It's a phenomenal example of how his dark style can also be incredibly creative.

The Joker

The Jokerbumhand

The Riddler

The Riddlerbumhand





Last up is "Confucius Retaliation."

This US-based artist is a husband and father with an artistic style that is particularly easy to appreciate for comic fanatics. Check out some of his DC characters now.

The Joker

The Jokerconfuciusretaliation

Batman & Robin

Batman & Robinconfuciusretaliation

The Huntress

The Huntressconfuciusretaliation

Harley Quinn

Harley Quinnconfuciusretaliation

The Green Lantern

The Green Lanternconfuciusretaliation

Wonder Woman (Vs The Undead)

Wonder Woman (Vs The Undead)confuciusretaliation