This Leaked Video Shows That Humans are Genetically Altering Pigs Resulting In Super Muscly Meat

These pigs are going to redefine the meaning of tough meat.

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This Leaked Video Shows That Humans are Genetically Altering Pigs Resulting In Super Muscly Meat

If you think you've ever seen a hefty pig, you have totally underestimated the meaning of hefty. Genetic modification is becoming more and more prevalent in society and we are using DNA to construct different, or in this case, massive creatures for our own benefit. 

There is a Korean Film called Okra which follows a genetically engineered pig and its owner which is a young girl. Although the pig is confiscated to be slaughtered and the girl has to fight against the government and join teams with a terrorist environmentalist group in order to save the pigs life. 

Talk about relevant!

This Korean film - which is completely science fiction - has turned out to be extremely realistic as a new form of DNA technology is producing 'double-muscled' pigs by adjusting a single gene in order to completely alter a normal every-day pig into an abnormally large beast. 

This idea began from the Belgian Blue cattle, which was a humongous cow! But a few researchers within Asia in South Korea and China have figured out how to trick the system and produce endless pork meat for consumers.

Myostatin is a protein that enhances the growth of muscles, and by altering the amount that is produced by the genes of an animal, it is entirely feasible to create creatures with a large amount of muscle mass. In terms of biology, all of our characteristics that we see physically are defined by our DNA that we are born with. And by tweaking these natural genes, there can be huge impacts on the physicality of individuals. 

Genetically Modified pigs in a cramped cage.

Genetically Modified pigs in a cramped cage.CBC

This means that we can genetically modify animals to be physically larger and obtain more meat from them to sell to demanding consumers. This is being done with pigs as shown by the footage above, but can also be used on other animals such as cows, chickens, and so many other organisms. If this is true - how long will it be till everybody is making the decision to genetically modify their own human children? A film called Gattaca shows a world in which everybody's status is determined by their genes, and having the ultimate combination of them grants you privileges over others.

These pigs are kept in tiny cages that do not provide any comfort for their overly large body mass and are in extreme discomfort and agony. This is virtually animal abuse, and the quality of life for these beings is absolutely not ideal. Should we really be determining the fate of living organisms for our own human benefit? Should we really be altering animals genes and giving them awful lives just to purposely slaughter them for our dinners? 

What has humanity come to, and why are we so caught up in playing God?

What has humanity come to, and why are we so caught up in playing God?Quartz

Consider the possibilities of this DNA tweaking process becoming out of hand. Imagine if, like in GATTACA, our whole worlds are determined by the genes that we withhold. What if instead of celebrating the new pregnancies within families, we start celebrating new genes being developed in Petri dishes? This is not a good thing - and the threat of it becoming something that we do all the time is not ideal for our society.

This evolution of biological altering techniques is leading to some crazy suggestions:

Genetic research has become a largely focused idea for the fate of pigs and how we obtain pork for our own benefit. We can now grow human organs inside of a pigs body for transplants into our bodies, and in the near future, possibly 3D print real working and functioning organs. 

We can create so many other biological things that are essentially false, that it's becoming scary and threatening to think about what could happen.

GMO pigs have been FDA approved.

GMO pigs have been FDA approved.Foxnews

We are changing the fate of animals for our own benefit, and not thinking about the lives of the animals themselves. Why does humanity keep taking more than they deserve, and altering other beings fates in order to create effective working systems for human interest?

A still image of the leaked video.

A still image of the leaked video.Sickchirpse

Genetic alteration is on the move and creeping up on us so quickly - this is something that we need to be mindful or and watch out for, because our lives may not stay as naturally formed as we may think.

Food is rapidly changing and it's only getting more difficult to eat things that are eaten as nature intended. Even restaurants and waiters are facing the brunt of how times are changing when they are not being tipped or are given the worst tips ever.
