Cat Moods That All Cat Lovers Know Too Well

Cats are just moody by nature

Elzaan Van der merwe
  • Published in Animals
Cat Moods That All Cat Lovers Know Too Well

Do you ever catch yourself staring at your cat and your cat is staring back at you and you start thinking to yourself, "what is my cat thinking about?" It is actually quite normal as a lot of people do it because they want to know what their cat is thinking.

Is your cat moody, excited, happy, grumpy or even just annoyed? It's difficult to know and sometimes their tail can tell you what they are feeling but unless someone develops a talking collar for cats we won't ever really know what they are thinking about or what they want to say to us.

But today we have something that might bring you a bit closer to the truth! Lisa Swerling & Ralph Lazar, New York Times bestselling authors started a new illustration story called Tess and Lion.

They use this story to illustrate the different cat moods to cat owners and it's quite fascinating.

All the different moods you can expect from cats

All the different moods you can expect from catsLastlemon

Chilled and relaxed

Chilled and relaxedLastlemon

Ecstatic and delighted

Ecstatic and delightedLastlemon

Happy and super happy

Happy and super happyLastlemon

Content and pleased

Content and pleasedLastlemon

Hmm what's this? and inquisitive

Hmm what's this? and inquisitiveLastlemon

Interested and worried

Interested and worriedLastlemon

Surprised and curious

Surprised and curiousLastlemon

Unsure and potentially aggressive

Unsure and potentially aggressiveLastlemon

Friendly and unfriendly

Friendly and unfriendlyLastlemon

Not really impressed and unsure but friendly

Not really impressed and unsure but friendlyLastlemon

Friendly and defensive

Friendly and defensiveLastlemon

Amicable and derisive

Amicable and derisiveLastlemon

Ninja! and I'm outta here!

Ninja! and I'm outta here!Lastlemon

Accomplished and Uh oh!

Accomplished and Uh oh!Lastlemon

Scratch and attack

Scratch and attackLastlemon

Horror and beware

Horror and bewareLastlemon

"Badass, don't mess with me!"



Elzaan Van der merwe