Couple Was Furious After They "Stole" A Friends Baby Name, Only To Learn The Fake Name's Meaning Was A Swear Word In Another Language
Things turned out exactly as you might expect, very sh*tty
- Published in Funny
Naming your baby is one of those tasks that sounds way easier than it really is. Besides the fact of having to narrow down a list of names that don’t remind you of your mortal enemy or that one kid who stepped on your shoe in the 4th grade, you also have to find a name that your partner agrees with, too.
You may not realize how many names you cannot stand until you’re 8 months pregnant and still have no idea what you’re going to name your impending baby. So, it’s really not a huge surprise that many parents-to-be keep the name they picked for their baby-to-be secret.
Not to mention getting to avoid all of the unsolicited and unwanted opinions on the name for the duration of the time it takes for the baby to make their way into the world. I’m sure it wouldn’t surprise you to learn that people have LOTS of opinions they just love to share.
It can also be super frustrating when you do share the carefully selected name with someone you thought you could trust, and they turn around and use it for their own kid! While, yeah, no one “owns” a name, it should be common decency to just NOT.
Recently, a Redditor shared a story around the themes of baby-name thievery that was just too good not to share. User Longjumping-Week-182 turned to the popular Am I The A**hole community to double-check whether or not she was in the wrong after she tricked her long-time bestie with a fake baby name, one that had a very specific meaning in Spanish.
Keep scrolling to read the full story, along with how Redditors responded!
OP's good friend from college married her husband's cousin and they both were pregnant around the same time
Longjumping-Week-182Naturally, they shared a lot about their pregnancies, except baby names, as OP wanted to keep hers secret
Longjumping-Week-182But Roxy would NOT stop asking OP about the baby names she picked out
giphyOP got fed up and turned to her husband for advice, and he suggested a "name" to give them
Longjumping-Week-182Turns out, they totally went with the name, and found out from their OB/GYN
Longjumping-Week-182OP put herself in their shoes and acknowledged she wouldn't be happy if she was on their end
Longjumping-Week-182Doesn't matter what name OP gave them
giphyThey were being super lazy
OddNastySatisfactionSuper curious if Roxy and her husband ever accepted any part of the blame
Lopsided-Asparagus42She brought it on herself
TriggeredRatBastardSeriously, who tries that hard to steal a baby name
giphyOooh, good point
TenderOctaneMic drop
giphySeems Roxy's intentions were pretty obvious
InterbandSmooseJust discovered my new favorite phrase
Sufficient-Seaweed52Going to use it any time I can
giphyCould you even imagine?
vhtgTacky is the perfect word for this
Ceecee_soupWhat were they thinking?
giphyDoes Roxy actually hate OP?
DrRiverSong45Sucks she tried to be so underhanded
swagdaddio69Really, quite the mental gymnastics they did to make themselves the victims
SnooRabbits302Fingers crossed
Lookingforadvice1987It does border closely with "too good to be true"
giphySounds like Roxy and her husband took out their embarrassment on OP
Ecstatic_Air_9052Maybe their friendship isn't as close as they implied
IamIreneDefinitely a "her problem"
cbm984They nailed it
giphyThe karma on this is just too sweet
RedditThey're definitely not the only ones enjoying this
giphyOP eventually followed up with an edit
Longjumping-Week-182And it may be a while until she and Roxy speak again
Longjumping-Week-182I don’t know about you, dear reader, but I really love the karmic justice that went down with this whole thing. Truly a classic case of mess around and find out.
We want to know what you think about this story! Do you think OP was in the wrong for giving a fake name with a “secret” vulgar meaning?
Or do you think OP’s friend deserved what she got? Let us know in the comments section below!