Woman Made Her Boyfriend Cry After Making A "Harmless Joke", Redditors Point Out The Flaming Red Flags
"I was truly cringed out about his attitude and left the apartment as soon as I finished cleaning."
- Published in Funny
Moving in with your significant other is a pretty big step in a relationship. Not only are you committing to your partner emotionally and physically, but also financially.
I know many couples who have used finances as a reason for why living together would make more sense. Instead of them both paying for their living accommodations, where likely one is using their space less due to sleepovers, they can both share the cost and space!
Once you’re living with your partner, though, that’s when you really start to learn about each other. It can be easy to love and desire someone who you don’t share your space with and see every single day and night.
But inevitably, annoying habits that might easily be missed will be found out. And it’s hard to know if your significant other is a secret hoarder or is the sort of person who clips their toenails at the table unless you’re in the thick of it.
Ideally, one would want to parse out the deal-breaking habits before taking the leap toward setting up a home together. And hopefully, have a backup plan and difficult conversations with their partner about the “what-if” of their relationship.
One Redditor found this out the hard way, although there were signs she missed along the way. User Zealousideal_Joke_94 shared on r/AITA (Am I The A-hole) an odd interaction with her boyfriend only a week after they moved in together.
After making a seemingly innocuous comment about her boyfriend's clothes, she found herself at the receiving end of a two-hour tantrum. And yet, she still was unsure if she was in the wrong, hence turning to Reddit for judgment.
Keep scrolling to read the full story, and to see how Redditors (hopefully) opened OP’s eyes to the red flags her boyfriend has been waving.
OP explains that she just moved in with her boyfriend only a week ago
Zealousideal_Joke_94OP let her boyfriend know she kept two drawers free for his underwear and socks, but he said he didn't need them
OP let her boyfriend know she kept two drawers free for his underwear and socks, but he said he didn't need them
Zealousideal_Joke_94Surprised by his response, OP made a lighthearted comment about the number of underwear and socks he had
giphyApparently, he said yes, then went off to pout about it, FOR TWO HOURS
Zealousideal_Joke_94According to OP, he had locked himself in the bathroom for an hour, before coming out and continuing to pout for ANOTHER hour
giphyOP just ignored his pity party, and kept cleaning
Zealousideal_Joke_94OP later added that her boyfriend shouldn't have any issue affording additional underwear
Zealousideal_Joke_94Very convenient
raceulfsonEither he gets therapy or OP should GTFO
HoneyBunches-Of-NopeOP's boyfriend is definitely immature
ComprehensiveBand586He chose to get offended over something very small
Burning-Potato42069And not taking care of himself properly is a red flag in and of itself
giphyOP really should consider the longevity of this relationship
MedicinalPorpoisesHis attempts at manipulation is another red flag
MellosonAndYouReally weird, for sure
cinderpartyI feel like men's underwear especially is some of the cheapest clothing
Free_Medicine4905A good point: OP asked a simple question, it wasn't even a real joke to be misconstrued
AnxiousmangosApparently this isn't the first time something like this has happened
GreenEyedKittyCatThis could be a troubling pattern
RivSilverOP and her boyfriend need to have a grown up conversation
Principessa116Maybe the red flag faded in the wash?
SecureAd4101These flags are most definitely red, not orange
giphyThat's a bleak future
babcock27Super exhausting
Cat_o_meterGreen/red colorblindness is a thing, hopefully not for OP
zubetpA whole bunch of 'em
giphyAnd why only *three* specifically?
vIQIeSLet's be real, if OP stays, future arguments will likely escalate past pouting in the corner
Wild_Butterscotch977He's close to being a walking "red flag"
giphyOP's boyfriend seems like a classic example of "Failure to Launch"
Jane_Doughnut_Truly a harmless joke
LSDIsAHelluvaDrug69Okay, but seriously, I have questions about OP’s boyfriend. Specifically, why so few pairs of underwear and socks?
Does he do laundry every two days, or does he employ the method of flipping them inside out for extra wear? Actually, thinking about it, I’m not sure I want to know for sure.
What I do know is that for being 22 years old, OP’s boyfriend has some growing up to do. What do you think, dear reader?