People Are Discarding Their Air Fryers For This Far Less Expensive Option
This kitchen appliance is posing a threat to the air fryer's dominance

Some kitchen equipment is only fads or gimmicks that are temporary. Some appliances are lost to time and replaced a few years after they were first introduced.
On a more somber note, however, another device that is purportedly less expensive and accomplishes the same function may cause air fryers to become obsolete. The claimed capacity of air fryers to cook food more quickly than a conventional oven and more healthily than frying it in oil caused them to become viral.
The gadgets were incredibly popular, except for the remark that if you're going to consume something that's already bad, you might as well make sure it tastes as good as possible. Although the craze for air fryers has faded, consumers are still eager to learn how to get the most out of these devices.
That mindset motivated people to thoroughly test this new option (the halogen oven) and air fryers to compare their performance. You may still be wondering if you haven't bought either gadget yet and are able to withstand the temptation of the much-discussed top air fryers.
The key question here is whether a halogen oven is faster and more effective than even the best-rated air fryers, which many have found to be more practical than a traditional built-in oven.
Additionally, they were suggested as a less expensive option to using a conventional oven.

Well, it appears that the Halogen Oven, another countertop kitchen appliance, is posing a threat to the air fryer's dominance. This appliance cooks food in a tiny glass bowl underneath with the use of a halogen lamp.
With the exception of the comment that if you're going to eat something that's already nasty, you might as well make sure it tastes as delicious as possible, the devices were extremely popular. They were also recommended as a less costly alternative to using a traditional oven.
The Halogen Oven, another countertop cooking device, seems to be threatening the air fryer's dominance

This device uses a halogen lamp to cook food in a small glass bowl underneath it. Some types have a temperature range of 140F to 464F, or 60C to about 240C.
Many people have recommended the gadgets as a less expensive option to the air fryer. Even though air fryers are widely used, the priciest types can become rather pricy, which could make them less affordable.
A lot of people decided that halogen ovens were the superior choice.

"I treated myself to a halogen oven to help with Christmas; I only have one shelf in my oven," says one commenter.
"It is one million times better than the rubbish air fryer I got in the summer."
Another commenter was actually advocating for the kitchen equipment as well, saying: "Halogen oven is better, healthier and cheaper than air fryer."
Of course, using the oven that was already built in your house is an additional option but you can still drop your own thoughts in the comments section below.
