Here Are 9 Celebrities And What They Would Look Like If They Aged Naturally
Aging naturally and aging with the help of botox are two different things, so let's look at the difference.

Botox and cosmetic surgery are popular among the celebrities of Hollywood. It seems that so many people have jumped on this bandwagon that it's hard to imagine what people would look like without it.
The botox look has become something that many people admire about these Hollywood stars because it seems that some of them haven't aged a day. It's amazing to think about the difference that these surgeries can make in the way you look as you age.
We've been so accustomed to seeing these older celebrities look like they don't have one wrinkle and they are just as glowing and flawless as they were in their young days. Sometimes it makes you think "what would they look like if they said no to plastic surgery and botox?"
Well, we have the answer for you. These 9 famous celebrities have a side by side of what they would look like if they aged naturally, without all of the botox and plastic surgery, as well as a photo of them now with the botox and surgeries they've had.
Some of these photos might absolutely blow your mind and some of them might not look too different to you. Overall, let's see if these celebrities chose the right choice by getting surgeries or botox to help their aging, or if they should have just left it up to mother nature to naturally age them.
1. Mickey Rourke
Which do you think looks better?
2. Cher
This one is wild because I think we've all seen Cher with plastic surgery and botox and that is how most of us view Cher, so seeing her like this is mind-blowing.

3. Christie Brinkley
This is a great example of how botox and plastic surgery can completely change the way you age. Her face looks completely smoothed versus in the natural aging process the wrinkles are much more present.
But hey, at least her hair looks awesome in both.

4. Priscilla Presley
This one actually is not that different. I'd say that they both look pretty good, so we can kind of imagine that she didn't do much to herself to look different.

5. Sylvester Stallone
Now, I think we all knew that Sylvester was going to make it on this list. Honestly, the natural aging process would've done him well.
6. Vanessa Williams
The facial portion of this comparison is absolutely astonishing.
7. Courtney Love
This is another one that we probably expected to be on this list, simply because it is easily seen on her.
8. Katie Price
Katie looks the same, but it looks like she didn't age at all in the one with surgery. This is crazy.
9. Madonna
I truly don't think that anyone was expecting her comparison to look like this.
After seeing some of these photos either you are convinced that you should get plastic surgery or you are terrified to get plastic surgery. Either way, I think we can all agree that plastic surgery definitely makes a difference in how you look as you age.
What do you think about the growing popularity of plastic surgery? It's definitely something you're either for or you're not for.
