Cute And Adorable Totoro GIFs That’ll Inspire You To Start Exercising Regularly

Get in here if you want to get back into shape

Cute And Adorable Totoro GIFs That’ll Inspire You To Start Exercising Regularly

Remember that fervent decision you made at the start of the year? You know, the one where you promised yourself that you'd start exercising regularly to get back in shape?

If that doesn't work, don't worry because Totoro from Studio Ghibli is here to help you exercise and get back into shape! We've compiled a carefully curated collection of Studio Ghibli Totoro gifs to inspire you.

But before then, let's get to know the brain behind these adorable Totoro gifs. And he is no other than CL Terry.

He is an Australian animator and he has created a GIF series depicting Totoro's adorable attempts to stay fit. He works out with cardio, yoga, and even weightlifting!

They're all part of the animator's "A GIF a Day for 100 Days" challenge, which she began a while ago. CL wanted to do some simple body mechanics animations and thought a big, bouncy character would be fun.

Totoro is ideal for animations involving body mechanics, according to CL. The animator only intended to use him for one or two, but it's been difficult to stop given how happy they seem to be making people all over the world.

CL's 100 gifs in 100 days project was simply a way for him to do something entertaining every day, and surprisingly, the right job eventually found him through this project. It's also a great way for him to learn new things and improve himself.

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1. Break a sweat?? Heck, I got tired just watching him hula but I still love it!

1. Break a sweat?? Heck, I got tired just watching him hula but I still love it!Cl Terry

2. I LOVE this guy. And he tries so hard!

2. I LOVE this guy. And he tries so hard!Cl Terry

3. This position can help stretch out a lot of things... I'm guessing

3. This position can help stretch out a lot of things... I'm guessingCl Terry

4. I don't know about you but this looks so cute

4. I don't know about you but this looks so cuteCl Terry

5. The ears are kinda hypnotic... just an observation though

5. The ears are kinda hypnotic... just an observation thoughCl Terry

Any movement that engages your muscles and forces your body to burn calories is considered exercise. There are many different kinds of exercises.

To name a few, there's swimming, running, jogging, walking, and dancing. What's more, there are numerous health advantages of exercise, both physically and emotionally.

So let's join Totoro in exercising and have fun while at it.

6. Yes, Totoro... Show them how it's done

6. Yes, Totoro... Show them how it's doneCl Terry

7. I love that the eyebrows are kinda winking at me

7. I love that the eyebrows are kinda winking at meCl Terry

8. Yay, this is definitely fun

8. Yay, this is definitely funCl Terry

9. Okay...this is me definitely! PowerWalk is just my thing

9. Okay...this is me definitely! PowerWalk is just my thingCl Terry

10. It keeps running faster and faster the more I stare at it

10. It keeps running faster and faster the more I stare at itCl Terry

11. I love the fact that the ears are part of the exercise

11. I love the fact that the ears are part of the exerciseCl Terry

12. This particular exercise looks fun when paired with a good music

12. This particular exercise looks fun when paired with a good musicCl Terry

Exercise is good for everyone, and we know this for sure right from our kindergarten days. But most of the time, we are lazy about it and we keep postponing when we will start exercising.

In this case, a source of motivation in any form will just do the trick for us. It's a fortunate thing that we have a compilation of Totoro gifs to motivate us all the way.
