20 Times People Listed Toxic Behaviors Which For Some Reason Are Considered Acceptable In Society
It’s always a no-no to toxicity but some people just don't get the memo.
- Published in Interesting
It’s always a no-no to toxicity because it’s just too risky to stay in a place or stay around people that are toxic to you. You should avoid toxicity in your workplace, your family, and your friends, but what if the toxic person is you?
Well, a toxic person can be anyone whose behavior adds negativity to your life or even someone whose actions can harm you. In some cases, toxic people are dealing with their own personal stresses and traumas, and in order to do this, they begin to act in certain ways that don't present them well.
This kind of behavior usually upsets others along the way, but it’s quite funny how some of these toxic things are now becoming normal in today’s society. Yes, talk about all the bad dating advice that exists out there, or is it people who fail to correct the wrongdoings of their kids or animals on time just because they feel it’s cute or whatnot.
Okay, what about those in the workplace who preach against bullying but are the actual bullies themselves or is it the double standards that so many people are exhibiting?
The list can go on and on... But a certain Redditor has asked the r/AskReddit community to list these toxic things that are fast becoming accepted.
The question has been popped...
u/RealimTheanimalkingThe post has been upvoted 7K times and has attracted close to 7K comments as well. Here are some of the comments made by Redditors in response to this question.
1. You just need to be on the same page in order to be happy
DiManes2. People being too lazy or unwilling to discipline their dogs
Chairmaker001003. People who don't admit their faults but instead, try to overpower people
TheSinfuBlacksheep4. Some things do take time for a reason
ChrisHisStonks5. The things that are discussed in politics
Ma16. People who glorify their trauma like its way worse
LoquatBerry7. "Someone treated me badly, so I'll treat you badly too" kind of mentality
forest-nymph18. It's just a prank when it actually isn't a prank
SpecificallyVague839. That you disagree with doesn't make it fake
Rex_Lee10. Basic disrespect for anything but their own needs
Botryoid200011. The society has become ultra individualistic, hedonistic and narcissistic
WeeklyImpact12. People who have double standards in relationships
_hello_its-me13. Being narcissistic
jedledbetter14. Working 80 hours a week won't get you a honorary badge
SixGunChimp15. Shaming people for not spending all their time "grinding"
yeetgodmcnechass16. Encouraging a bad habit as a good one
Franks_Spice_Sauce17. Allowing kids to watch cartoons with high volumes in public places
OutrageousRhubarb85318. Doing different things to people you disagree with
watch_over_me19. The whole influencing thing out there
choam_nomskay20. People that are constantly late or flaky
PigeroniPepperoniSome of the things listed above are things that people do these days that we find normal, but they are actually toxic. These things shouldn’t be so, and the rate at which some of these are happening is alarming.
What other toxic behaviors do you think are being accepted in our society today? Drop all of your replies in the comments below.