10+ Examples Of People Being Absolutely Absurd And Utterly Ridiculous

Not the brightest bulbs in the bunch.

  • Published in Funny
10+ Examples Of People Being Absolutely Absurd And Utterly Ridiculous

For just a moment, you should pause and take a deep breath. Go ahead, take a couple more if you think it will help.

There are a lot of people on this earth and some of them are very intelligent, most of them are average intelligence (that's how average works,) and the rest? Well, they just might hit the lows we're about to witness.

We don't know if it's an educational system malfunction or if it's simply luck of the draw, but sometimes the stupidity is so profound that you have to laugh because if not, you just might cry. After all, why wouldn't you cry when you realize these people just might have the power to vote.

1. It's okay, this whole phone number thing is hard.

1. It's okay, this whole phone number thing is hard.wait_whats_illegal

2. Fractions are hard.

2. Fractions are hard.dafnasr

3. When you can't even trust yourself.

3. When you can't even trust yourself.stEPH_u_

4. It's amazing, there's like a bunch of other languages out there.

4. It's amazing, there's like a bunch of other languages out there.St0pX

5. "She Doesn’t Speak English And I’m 90% Sure That The Last Line Is A Google Translation Of Sugar Daddy And I Can’t Stop Laughing"

5. DoctorPoopTrain

6. Fractions are really hard.

6. Fractions are really hard.MisoSoup9000

7. Poor thing.

7. Poor thing.SirAustinOfDunn

8. Everyone has a Jenn in their lives.

8. Everyone has a Jenn in their lives.Patopodo

9. Oh, this is bad.

9. Oh, this is bad.Sejiro_Hiko

10. "Student Uses Light On Phone To Charge A Portable Solar Battery So That He Can Charge His Phone"

10. IKnowICantSpel

11. He tried, he really, really tried, but he just didn't have enough wilted cabbage to rub together for neurons to fire.

11. He tried, he really, really tried, but he just didn't have enough wilted cabbage to rub together for neurons to fire.droi86

12. Much Thank

12. Much ThankEnderjay10

13. At least he figured it out eventually.

13. At least he figured it out eventually.IHaveAllTheKarma

14. Did you know they learn how to swear when we teach them cursive?

14. Did you know they learn how to swear when we teach them cursive?DidthePhilslose

15. So close and yet so far.

15. So close and yet so far.Teh_Dibble

16. Why would anyone do that?

16. Why would anyone do that?MavenofHonor

17. "Popular Google Searches Are Making Me Question My Existence"

17. Sinful_Cat

18. Why have I not unlocked that achievement yet?

18. Why have I not unlocked that achievement yet?Master1718

19. You know what, of all the things we've read to day, this is the least problematic.

19. You know what, of all the things we've read to day, this is the least problematic.Maccoul_

20. This is the least of her problems.

20. This is the least of her problems.97Vercetti

21. Pinky Pickle Problem

21. Pinky Pickle Problemmcv_inmia

22. This is worse than minimal effort.

22. This is worse than minimal effort.joegotti96


23. THE WHAT?prof_sandwich_maker

24. The other-other white meat.

24. The other-other white meat.Fun_Stick

25. Well played.

25. Well played.BrknArrw10

26. I hope a lot of people told her.

26. I hope a lot of people told her.IttyBittyHUAC

27. Things that make you go hmmm

27. Things that make you go hmmmClassic-CJ

28. "This Man Trying To Smuggle A Kilo Of Cocaine Under A Wig At The Barcelona Airport"

28. policia

29. Minimum Effort.

29. Minimum Effort.Mrkjm1550

30. So rude.

30. So rude.MysteriousMrPig

31. Truly, a Korean mystery.

31. Truly, a Korean mystery.hoyarkive

32. Definitely wilted.

32. Definitely wilted.BlackDeathZombieSwede

33. The only thing in life I want right now is to know if he has gotten COVID yet or not.

33. The only thing in life I want right now is to know if he has gotten COVID yet or not.lvnitup22

34. It works if they're in Alabama.

34. It works if they're in Alabama.ihastopoop

35. Sounds like a socialist scam.

35. Sounds like a socialist scam.NateM135

36. Absolutely nobody knows.

36. Absolutely nobody knows.richie_rich77

37. Who is going to tell her?

37. Who is going to tell her?DOMINOEP

38. The most important question of our time.

38. The most important question of our time.DanBurnashev

39. "How Stupid Soap Opera Can Be"

39. shaiful182

40. Wait, people think it was his own money?

40. Wait, people think it was his own money?cheristandsup

41. Well no but actually yes.

41. Well no but actually yes.fake-troll-acct0991

42. You almost feel sorry for them.

42. You almost feel sorry for them.meme_zar

43. Wait until they learn about social security numbers.

43. Wait until they learn about social security numbers.SuperSlimySalamander

44. The future liberals want!

44. The future liberals want!nixxxxxxxxxxxxx1

45. Oh, bless her heart.

45. Oh, bless her heart.Ninja_Spi-D-er

46. "A Guy Purchased A Watermelon During A Train Stop And Didn’t Realize It Didn’t Fit Through The Bars"

46. SluggishStudent

47. Some of you have never seen a pink lion and it shows.

47. Some of you have never seen a pink lion and it shows.BenderDisorder

48. Checkmate Socialists

48. Checkmate Socialistsgbyl

49. Have we mentioned minimum effort yet?

49. Have we mentioned minimum effort yet?plsporo

50. Congrats!

50. Congrats!humblemangoes