50 Instances Where People Were Astounded By The Enormous Scale Of Things And Posted Their Experiences In The 'Absolute Units' Community
If you're a fan of all things big and bold, then the subreddit r/AbsoluteUnits is the perfect destination for you.
- Published in Interesting
Sometimes, the scale of things can be difficult to comprehend without a familiar reference point for comparison. It's easy to lose perspective in our daily lives, and every so often, we need a moment to pause and marvel at the enormous and awe-inspiring things that exist in our world.
For those who appreciate the larger things in life, the subreddit r/AbsoluteUnits is an exceptional portal to explore. This digital haven is committed to celebrating the most extensive, impressive, and seemingly impossible things the internet has to offer, ranging from colossal creatures to towering architectural masterpieces.
Even if you don't usually gravitate towards the 'big and bold,' human curiosity is a compelling force. The intrigue and wonder ignited by these mammoth phenomena can turn even the most casual observer into a fan.
There's a certain sense of astonishment and excitement that comes from witnessing objects or creatures that defy our understanding of 'normal' scale. So, let's take a step back from our routine lives, allow our curiosity to take charge, and immerse ourselves in the truly spectacular array of gigantic offerings our world presents.
Prepare to be left awestruck by the absolute units that our incredible planet has to offer! Let's take a look together:
1. "This Massive Boi A Japanese Fisherman Found"
CharmaineBraggy2. "This Fella"
JamesWinter833. "Came Across This Unit In Another Sub. A Sanctuary Took This Dog In And His Dna Testing Shows 87.5 % Gray Wolf, 8.6 % Siberian Husky, And 3.9 % German Shepherd"
anthemthecat4. "This Terrifying Sinkhole In Guatemala Is An Au Of Terror"
mlotto75. "This Absolute Unit"
Automatic_Computer206. "I Am No Longer Confident I Could Defeat A Bobcat In A Fight"
Redqueenhypo7. "Soviet World Champion Swimmer Shavarsh Karapetyan, Who Saved The Lives Of 20 People In 1976 When He Saw A Trolleybus Plunge Into A Reservoir. 1980s"
GabrilliusMordechai8. "Chonky Pingu"
Alpinecanticle9. "This Absolute Unit Of A Newfoundland Pup"
sidewaysWithhold91210. "This Tanuki Is An Absolute Unit With Winter Floofs As Well"
RaineTanuki11. "Seychelles Giant Tortoises Just Roam Around The Islands, They Don't Have Natural Predators There Because Well"
santh9112. "I’ve Been Told That My Rescue Dog Is An Absolute Unit Many Times Now"
jdawg572013. "Baa Baa Motherf*©ke®s"
AdaptableRetention14. "These Collard Greens!!"
BushyEyes15. "A Husky Next To A Wolf"
PlausibleDepression16. "Chonkus, The Eater Of Worlds"
queasilycompost7817. "The Hua Moa Banana, A Hawaiian Variety"
Kasvnova18. "Kummakivi - A 500,000 Kg Rock In Ruokolahti, Finland, That Has Been Balancing On Top Of Another Rock For 11,000 Years"
Ebd78919. "Enjoy Retirement King"
ShotSplash20. "Sorry If This Is Kinda A Cheat Post Lol, I Just Never Realized How Massive Ferrigno Was 😳 Making Arnold Look Small"
Takemeto-yourmother21. "Hulk, The Pitbull"
netphilia22. "University Of Michigan Squirrel"
dominicmazzetti23. "Huntsman Spider. Speechless"
SometingWong0824. "This Absolute Unit Of A Honeycomb"
reddit.com25. "This Unit Even Survived Getting Hit By A Train"
ResidentEivvil26. "Our Rescue Pup, 11.5 Months Old"
Op_Market_Garden27. "This Guy Lands In Your Nest And Slaps Your GF On The A*s, What Do You Do?"
zeezyman28. "This Is The Book Of Names In The Auschwitz Museum. It Holds The Name Of Every Known Holocaust Victim"
King_Kenobi29. "The Mighty Mississippi And Her Many Tributaries. An Absolute Unit Of A River System"
Sarasota_202230. "This Cheese"
DoppelGirlMula31. "Absolute Unit Of A Chicken"
downtownMangos32. "Ooooooh Lawdy"
chemicalkin33. "Eris And Her Absolute Snoot (12.2'')"
DonovanSarovir34. "Absolute Unit Of A Coke Bottle"
anonym0usee35. "This Absolute Unit Of A Tic I Pulled Out Of My Cat (2€ Coin For Scale)"
archerV3436. "Turtle Coming Out Of Hibernation"
stormilyclap69637. "These Blackberries"
_Mr_Fil_38. "Absolut Chonk Of Fluff"
FormerFruit39. "I Was Told This Sub Might Like To See This Giant Lemon From My Sister-In-Law's Lemon Tree. She Gets A Few Of These Every Year. Regular-Sized Lemon For Scale. It's 5 Lbs!"
theemmyk40. "This Baobab Tree Is Said To Be 6000 Years Old"
DownRecite7141. "These Curtains"
589moonboy42." An Absolute Unit Spotted In Alabama"
tyutina198743. "This Absolute Unit Of A Wombat"
Jslays8244. "Chonkebeests"
jelenawoehr45. "Them Goddamn Caterpillars"
papasmoke46. "Absolute Unit Of A Bison"
Athezeal47. "Found This Guy On Discord"
cruz_cat348. "Giant Alligator Kept At Zoo (An Absaloute Unit)"
Athezeal49. "This Old Goat Looks Very Wise"
Unburiedbettong4750. "Big Boi Tiger"
FaultilySpangleAs we delve into the realm of colossal wonders and absolute units, it becomes abundantly clear that we inhabit a truly remarkable world. From towering skyscrapers that touch the clouds to gigantic animals that roam the Earth, our planet never fails to astound us with its grandeur and diversity.
These encounters with immense entities serve as a humbling reminder of the vastness of our surroundings. They challenge our perceptions and expand our horizons, inviting us to contemplate the limitless possibilities that exist beyond our everyday experiences.
In a world where we can easily get caught up in the minutiae of our lives, it is vital to pause and appreciate the extraordinary. These moments of wonder not only ignite our imagination but also reconnect us with a sense of childlike awe and curiosity.
So, whether it's a breathtaking landscape, a colossal monument, or an oversized creature, let us continue to revel in the magnificence that surrounds us. Let us embrace the sheer scale of our world and celebrate the incredible wonders that leave us speechless, reminding us of the vastness and beauty that resides within our reach.