Celebrities When They Were Young - Photos Of Then and Now

I'm not going to say I ever wondered what Doctor Phil looked like as a young man, but I'm glad I know.

Celebrities When They Were Young - Photos Of Then and Now

"Celebrities Without Makeup!" "Celebrities Before They Were Famous!" "Celebrities, They're Just Like Us!" No matter what the headline was, anything that normalised celebrities splashed across the cover of magazines (when they were still a thing) had me seriously flipping pages back when I worked the check-out at a grocery store.

There was just something about seeing celebrities in normal situations that just kinda thrilled me. Below, you'll see a bunch of well known celebrities when they were young.

Before fame, before plastic surgery, before, well... money. It's pretty entertaining. I'm not going to say I ever wondered what Doctor Phil looked like as a young man, but I'm glad I know now.

Doctor Phil. Actually kinda cute back then.

Doctor Phil. Actually kinda cute back then.

Young Doctor Phil

Young Doctor Phil

Sir Ian McKellen

Sir Ian McKellen

Young Sir Ian McKellen

Young Sir Ian McKellen

Beautiful Betty White.

Beautiful Betty White.

Young Betty White

Young Betty White

Regis Philbin

Regis Philbin

Young Regis Philbin

Young Regis Philbin

Patrick Stewart... HAS NOT CHANGED.

Patrick Stewart... HAS NOT CHANGED.

Young Patrick Stewart

Young Patrick Stewart

James Earl Jones... groovy dude.

James Earl Jones... groovy dude.

Young James Earl Jones

Young James Earl Jones

Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken

Young Christopher Walken

Young Christopher Walken

Glad I've seen a young Albert Eistein.

Glad I've seen a young Albert Eistein.

Young Albert Eistein

Young Albert Eistein

Bob Dole. Good for you, dude.

Bob Dole. Good for you, dude.

Young Bob Dole

Young Bob Dole

Helen Mirren. Forever a knock-out.

Helen Mirren. Forever a knock-out.

Young Helen Mirren

Young Helen Mirren

Bad boy, Bill Gates. Who knew.

Bad boy, Bill Gates. Who knew.

Young Bill Gates

Young  Bill Gates

Good golly, Miss Dolly Parton.

Good golly, Miss Dolly Parton.

Young Dolly Parton

Young Dolly Parton

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders

Didn't even know they had camera when Bernie Sanders was young. Wow. Lol.

Didn't even know they had camera when Bernie Sanders was young. Wow. Lol.

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry Springer.

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry Springer.

Young Jerry Springer.

Young Jerry Springer.

I never wondered. But now I know. Abraham Lincoln.

I never wondered. But now I know. Abraham Lincoln.

Here he is, young Abraham Lincoln

Here he is, young Abraham Lincoln

Willie Nelson.

Willie Nelson.

Young Willie Nelson. Wow.

Young Willie Nelson. Wow.

Bob Barker.

Bob Barker.

Young Bob Barker.

Young Bob Barker.

Love me some Martha Stewart.

Love me some Martha Stewart.

Young Martha Stewart

Young Martha Stewart

Diane Keaton. An icon, always.

Diane Keaton. An icon, always.

Young Diane Keaton

Young Diane Keaton

Larry David... Love the 'fro

Larry David... Love the 'fro

Young Larry David... Love the 'fro

Young Larry David... Love the 'fro

Morgan Freeman.

Morgan Freeman.

Young Morgan Freeman. Loooveeeee a man in uniform.

Young Morgan Freeman. Loooveeeee a man in uniform.

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills put me WAY off Kelsey Grammer but meh, here he is.

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills put me WAY off Kelsey Grammer but meh, here he is.

Young Kelsey.

Young Kelsey.