50 Hilarious Photos Of Derpy Dogs Just Being Themselves
100% derpy

Whenever we need love, support, comfort, we can always turn to our dogs. But we can also count on them when we need to laugh.
They are masters of making us feel better. But how do they manage to make us laugh every single time?
Well, our dogs are not the most graceful creatures, and no matter how old they are, they love having fun. And having fun often implies being derpy.
The widely popular online community of r/AnimalsBeingDerps is the place where people can share their furry friends' derpy moments, and it's absolutely adorable. We have selected 50 of the best photos, and you are going to love all the derpiness.
1. Upside down dog

2. Poor Guy Farted And Startled Himself, Fartled If You Will!"

3. Sweet dreams

4. How?

5. "Lost A Good Boy And A Better Friend Today. Rip Scrappy. You'll Be Greatly Missed"

6. I do!

7. Cute, Might Delete Later"

8. "Involved In Helping Around The House"

9. "Adopted My New Best Friend On Tuesday, She Was Super Shy. Just 12 Hours Later! Definitely A Derp, And Definitely The Best Decision I've Ever Made!"

10. "Accidentally Fell Asleep On The Couch... This Was What I Woke Up To"

11. "Dug A Hole Just To Lay In It, I Love Her"

12. Peek A Boo!!!

13. Family thing

14. "I Think The Picture Says It All"

15. Not a fighter

16. Just be casual

17. Photobomb!

18. Me first!

19. The three noses

20. Something went wrong

21. Don't wanna go

22. "I Told Him Not To Get Dirty While Outside To Potty. This Is His "Sorry Mom, It Was An Accident" Face"

Some breeds are more popular than others. “Breeds such as Cockerpoos and Labradoodles are now some of the most popular due to the combination of desirable factors, both genetically and aesthetically.” As a result, “it adds to the cute factor and people's interest in those specific breeds.”
23. "When You Try And Take A Nice Mother's Day Picture But Your Dog Makes Her Best Derp Ever!"

Why are these pics so popular? "The reason that pictures and videos of dogs are so popular online is because there's rarely anything controversial about a well-looked-after pooch," Salman Haqqi, senior pet insurance expert, explained. He added that "content often goes viral because it evokes emotions from the masses and pictures and videos of dogs simply make people feel happier when they're watching them."
24. Don't judge me...

25. Mud dog

26. I thought no one was looking...

27. This was not a good idea

28. "Under The Bed Cleaning Helper Got Distracted By Her Find"

29. "Forgot To Shut The Garage Before Work, Came Home To This"

30. "Australian Cattle Derp On Yard Patrol"

31. Sneezing

32. Comfy?

33. Kung Fu Master

34. Playing fetch

35. "Back During My Morning Commute I Spotted This Lovely Derp"

36. Plain derpy

37. Climb on me

38. So tired

39. Photobomb

40. Spot on

41. "When I Come Home From Work He Tries To Make Sure I Can Never Leave Him Ever Again"

42. Just resting

43. Derpy duo

44. Didn't eat ?

45. You called a taxi?

46. One-On-One?

The number of pet influencers has increased dramatically in recent years, creating a new industry. We've all come across some dog-influencer, which is a dog "that has a large following on social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, etc."
"Obviously, they've had help from their respective owners," Salman said and added: "but they're accounts people engage with, either because they can relate to having their own furry friends or just enjoy 'canine content' vicariously, without owning a dog themselves."
47. "Took My Rescue Greyhound To Get Her Photo Taken. Nailed It"

48. Is this dog a cat?

49. "Potatoes Gonna Potate"

50. Just siting
