This Account Is Solely Dedicated To Really Funny 'Dad Jokes', And Here Are The Top 30

Niche meme accounts are all the rage, and 'dad jokes' are not exempt

  • Published in Funny
This Account Is Solely Dedicated To Really Funny 'Dad Jokes', And Here Are The Top 30

Dad jokes... some people love them, others (like teenage kids) not so much. For me, I married my husband for his dad jokes. I love a good pun, cliche and an overused classic.

I don't think our kids will agree, but it is what it is. This will be their cross to carry. What you may not know, is that there's an entire Instagram (Facebook and Twitter) dedicated to the very best dad jokes.

There's a lot of dad jokes on this account, so for your viewing pleasure, we have compiled the BEST 30. Check them out below.

Change the battery...

Change the battery...dadsaysjokes

Rabbis and Rabbits...

Rabbis and Rabbits... dadsaysjokes

First child?

First child?dadsaysjokes

Deep and meaningful...

Deep and meaningful...dadsaysjokes

Welcome inside!

Welcome inside!dadsaysjokes

A nice, warm hug.

A nice, warm hug. dadsaysjokes



Don't talk about it.

Don't talk about it. dadsaysjokes

Let me know when the 40,000 starts.

Let me know when the 40,000 starts. dadsaysjokes

Rough times during Corona Virus Isolation.

Rough times during Corona Virus Isolation. dadsaysjokes

They all CAUGHT on...

They all CAUGHT on... dadsaysjokes

Great finish to this joke!

Great finish to this joke! dadsaysjokes

Bless you!

Bless you! dadsaysjokes



Get it?

Get it?dadsaysjokes

Meaningful messages.

Meaningful messages.dadsaysjokes

All's well that ends well.

All's well that ends well. dadsaysjokes

Some other thing...

Some other thing...dadsaysjokes

Marc with a C

Marc with a C dadsaysjokes



Stop carrying it.

Stop carrying it.dadsaysjokes

Inside jokes only!

Inside jokes only!dadsaysjokes

Every single person.

Every single person.dadsaysjokes



Get it?

Get it?dadsaysjokes



Switch or GameCube

Switch or GameCubedadsaysjokes

Can't see anymore

Can't see anymore dadsaysjokes

Crystal clear!

Crystal clear! dadsaysjokes

I'm so sorry, I just assumed.

I'm so sorry, I just assumed. dadsaysjokes