20 Times Tumblr Users Were Unbelievably Funny

Here's a bunch of the funniest posts to ever grace Tumblr. You're welcome.

  • Published in Tumblr
20 Times Tumblr Users Were Unbelievably Funny

Sometimes you think of something that absolutely hilarious, and you just need to share it with the world. So where is the best place to do that? That's right, the internet! Luckily, many other people often think the same thing, and even MORE luckily there's this amazing site called Tumblr where it all congregates together into a beautiful hub of honestly funny content.

Here's a bunch we gathered together to save you the time of scrolling to find them... You might want to get ready to save a few of these because no doubt you'll want to laugh at them again in the future.

1. Wait... What?

1. Wait... What?Tumblr

2. That's a little more that YIKES if you ask me.

2. That's a little more that YIKES if you ask me.Tumblr

3. I fear for these peoples future spouses...

3. I fear for these peoples future spouses...Tumblr

4. He didn't leave the bucket.

4. He didn't leave the bucket.Tumblr

5. The image of tiny screaming police cars will forever be ingrained in my mind. And I LOVE IT

5. The image of tiny screaming police cars will forever be ingrained in my mind. And I LOVE ITTumblr

6. This type of humor will ALWAYS be funny!

6. This type of humor will ALWAYS be funny!Tumblr


7. YA NASTYTumblr

8. Just going to gloss over that one, are we? Okay.

8. Just going to gloss over that one, are we? Okay.Tumblr

9. How is that at all like a butthole?

9. How is that at all like a butthole? Tumblr

10. We have to appreciate her attempt (And then laugh when she's not looking.)

10. We have to appreciate her attempt (And then laugh when she's not looking.)Tumblr

11. Really, Charles? Really?

11. Really, Charles? Really?Tumblr

12. Wh- Oh... OH!

12. Wh- Oh... OH!Tumblr



14. Therapist: *Lights a cigarette*

14. Therapist: *Lights a cigarette*Tumblr

15. Good old Jack Black.

15. Good old Jack Black.Tumblr

16. Are you even trying, Corey?

16. Are you even trying, Corey?Tumblr

17. Add in some killer score and I'm IN

17. Add in some killer score and I'm INTumblr

18. 911? Arrest this post.

18. 911? Arrest this post.Tumblr

19. Pure innocence in it's most chuckle-worthy form...

19. Pure innocence in it's most chuckle-worthy form...Tumblr

20. Hi Afraid, I'm Dad.

20. Hi Afraid, I'm Dad.Tumblr