20 Jokes You'll Only Understand If You Only Ever Wear Black
Black is the only color that is stylish, versatile, slimming, and appropriate at funerals.

If you're someone like me who adores the color black then you'll know what I mean when I say that black is both the most beautiful and hilariously frustrating color to exist, like, ever. It's a go to for whenever you need something simple, yet elegant, something classy, but not over done, or when you're about to meet your crush but you've just eaten 12 cinnamon rolls and need something to slim down the look of that food baby.
Don't worry, we've all been there. But while it's amazing in all those areas it can be your worst enemy on a boiling hot day, or a nightmare when you've been out of the house for 5 hours and JUST realize that you're wear two totally different shades of black. Yikes. If you know what I mean then you'll love the list gathered below, it's made just for you!
1. "What does it look like?" "It's black"

2. EVERYTHING should come in black

3. When all the winter clothes go on sale...

4. Black wet suit, honey.

5. It's officially the blooky season!

6. *opens closet* DONE

7. I just own 7 pairs of black jeans and about 12 thousand black tops.

8. No matter the weather, we're goth together <3

9. Black = Happy

10. I'm patriotic on the inside

11. Perfeeeect...

12. It's alright, they all go through phases as they grow up.


14. We can get all kinds of cuts and patterns but no black? Really?

15. Go to your local shelter and adopt a black cat! Problem solved. Also, now you're a witch.

16. Grey counts, right?

17. Colors are for the WEAK

18. Is there a tv show about this? Dye it? Goths most glamorous makeover?

19. It's a lifestyle and it's a part of my soul...

