15 Funny, Relatable Memes For Everyday People
You'll smile, you'll laugh and you'll definitely relate

You know what kinda sucks? The fact that there's REALLY funny people out there that you'll never meet. I think this every time I see a funny meme pop up as I scroll. It bums me out if they're from a meme page, but it ESPECIALLY bums me out when it's just a humble, funny AF tweet written by some hilarious person who just happens to live on the other side of the world as me.
I've even been known to tweet someone and tell them that I think they are hilarious and that if we lived in the same country, I think we'd be best friends. Luckily, we've rounded up some seriously funny relatable memes by some funny as hell people. Check them out below!
1. Literally logging out a 4.59pm

2. I hate myself.

3. Me++++

4. Genius walks among us.

5. It's a no from me.

6. Absolutely CAN do!


8. The old sneaky finger.

9. Amen to this. I call them my 'hungry pants'

10. Bye.

11. Hey there.

12. Prime is everything.

13. The good old days!

14. "Would you love me if I had no arms?"

