20 Indisputable Food Facts We Can All Delight In

These are 100% based in truth and science

  • Published in Funny
20 Indisputable Food Facts We Can All Delight In

Food and water, it's what sustain all living creatures on Earth. What and how each creature eats varies vastly.

Across the Animal Kingdom, you'll find a lot of the same within the food chain. You got the carnivores that strictly eat meat, herbivores that only eat plants, and omnivores that eat anything.

But then humans became a thing and as we evolved, our food habits did too. We have experimented our way into modern cooking as we know it, and way beyond with gourmet and fine cooking.

Humans managed to complicate things, too, because of course we did. While evolutionarily omnivorous, people have wildly varying food habits.

Humans can have their food choices dictated by Religion or ethics, or simply just by what each person's family does. We see people all over follow traditional omnivorous diets, vegetarian diets, vegan, paleo, keto, Mediterranean, Whole30, and more.

There's no one "Right" way to consume food, by any means, but there are some universal food facts that apply to all humans no matter their diet. (We're not even going to bother touching food allergies in this article).

In fact, we collected twenty bona fide food facts that are 100% completely true. These are definitely NOT made up at all, so keep scrolling to learn some new and interesting facts.

1. Different noodle shapes change the flavor of boxed mac & cheese

I challenge you to tell me Kraft Mac & cheese shapes doesn't taste better than original #ThrowHands #SpongeBob

1. Different noodle shapes change the flavor of boxed mac & cheesecoach_glynn9

2. Push pop ice cream is severely underrated

Back in my day we ate ice cream out of toilet paper rolls and didn't complain

2. Push pop ice cream is severely underratedJimmySmith300

3. Grilled cheese tastes best when cut diagonally

Grilled cheese isn't grilled cheese without a diagonal cut

3. Grilled cheese tastes best when cut diagonallyNoahduchan

4. Nothing is as life changing as a middle-of-the-night chug of water

4. Nothing is as life changing as a middle-of-the-night chug of waterEricFawcett_

Life. Changing.


5. Cereal tastes better at night

Someone wanna tell me why cereal is 10x better after 11 o’clock at night

5. Cereal tastes better at nightCasey_Zarr

6. Holiday shaped Reese's are the best type of Reese's

I think we can all agree that the @reeses Christmas Trees look nothing like trees (💩) but the ratio of chocolate to peanut butter is perfection.

6. Holiday shaped Reese's are the best type of Reese'sThoughts_NJ

7. Shredded cheese is best enjoyed straight from the bag after midnight

7. Shredded cheese is best enjoyed straight from the bag after midnightserhawke

Just dump it straight into your mouth


8. This type of sandwich is the BEST after swimming

This sandwich hits differently when you’ve been swimming all day

8. This type of sandwich is the BEST after swimmingKlementay_2

9. Gatorade tastes best from this specific bottle

Am I the only one who thinks Gatorade tastes better in these bottles??

9. Gatorade tastes best from this specific bottleemcole1012

10. Bag fries are the best fries

#ImTheHappiestWhen I see those bonus fries at the bottom of the bag.

10. Bag fries are the best friesMcDonalds

11. Apples taste better sliced

Why do apples taste 100% better when they are sliced?

11. Apples taste better slicedmikemacdermid

12. Chocolate milk is better with a straw

Almost 18 and I still drink my chocolate milk through a bendy straw.

12. Chocolate milk is better with a strawLob_str

13. Everything tastes better coming out of a glass bottle.

Soda tastes better out of a glass bottle, don't @ me

13. Everything tastes better coming out of a glass bottle.SnowyNowak

Pop, pop, pop!


14. Ice cream tastes better when eaten with a tiny spoon

I got this tiny ice cream, it came with a tiny spoon.

14. Ice cream tastes better when eaten with a tiny spoonmintifox

15. Soda from the fountain tastes best

Never any better @CocaCola @CocaColaCo then the @McDonalds Coke. It reigns supreme. #Coke

15. Soda from the fountain tastes bestkade6767

16. String cheese should only be eaten by pulling strings off

Okay, y’all. Are you with me or are you with @ProducerKimWMAR !? She doesn’t pull apart her string cheese. I do!! What do you do!?

16. String cheese should only be eaten by pulling strings offErin_Mac16

17. These types of leftover containers make food taste even better

I’m not a scientist but I’m pretty sure this kind of to-go box makes the leftovers taste better

17. These types of leftover containers make food taste even betterelisekozal

18. Crushed ice is life

18. Crushed ice is lifeu/arkansassafras

19. Restaurant ranch is the pinnacle of ranch

Well they got the Extra ranch part right..

19. Restaurant ranch is the pinnacle of ranchMrStPeter

20. Croutons taste best directly from the bag, not on salads

Oh. My. Gosh. I love eating croutons str8 from the bag. In bed.

20. Croutons taste best directly from the bag, not on saladsZacHolmes

And lastly, food ALWAYS tastes better when someone else makes it for you. Those are just all the facts.

But, seeing as universal food is, there are bound to be countless more food facts that we missed. So drop your knowledge in the comments section, and share this with a friend who you think needs to be acquainted with the truth.
