The Funniest 10 Year Challenge Memes On The Internet Right Now
I challenge you not to think they’re funny.

Challenges are frequently created on the internet. The most note worthy ones include the Tide pod challenge and the recent Bird Box challenge. Many of them however are designed so you look back on how much you have changed over a specific number of years.
The most recent one is the 10 year challenge which as it suggests allows you to compare two photos taken ten years apart (one in 2009, the other in 2019). With trends like this, comes parodies making fun of the simplistic concept behind them.
Here are some 10 year challenges that are humorous and incredibly relatable.
Oof this is too real.

Aunt May has changed more than any of us.

Nice brows cat

True. GC Titans haven’t won in years.

Not as classy. Not the same.

I’m forever broke.

If you say so.

You've come a long way Aquaman.

The bottom one looks terrible.

Keyboards look so much cooler these days.

Quality family time over the last ten years

I feel your pain.

I'd like to know who uses Yahoo these days. I never hear anyone use them.

What a change.

A conspiracy theory on why this meme was created to begin with.

Seemingly nothing can change that.

Hows adulting going?

Local construction takes forever to finish.

Better graphics but same warnings.

A change no one wanted.
